4] Vincent

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Unknown: Hey

Unknown: you signed up for adopt a freshman program?

J: Yeah...

J: are you an upperclassmen I am assigned to?

Unknown: well I don't know how to break it to you

Unknown: but your actual assigned senior doesn't want to volunteer anymore

Unknown: something about having more classes

Unknown: so i am here in his place

Unknown: so he doesn't get in trouble :)

J: oh

J: does that mean I can talk to you about anything that has to do with college?

Unknown: apparently yeah

Unknown: considering that I am 2 weeks late

Unknown: you are already settled in your dorm?

Unknown: i really don't feel motivated to give you a late tour around campuses :)

J: yeah, my friends helped me 🗿

J: btw can I change my roommate?

Unknown: LMAOOO

Unknown: are you joking?

J: 🗿🗿🗿

J: not really

Unknown: well... no

Unknown: I mean you can fill out the form but they won't really do anything

Unknown: :)

J: 🗿🗿

Unknown: any other questions?

J: yeah also with clubs

J: I never saw much on website

Unknown: none? great (✿◡‿◡)

Unknown: do hesitate to reach out if you need something

Unknown: byeeeee~

J: wait- what's your name?

Unknown: .....

Unknown: I can't give you my actual name

J: .......

Unknown: ..........

J: ................

Unknown: ...............................

J: ....................................................

Unknown: jneuihduiehyusjj

Unknown: I would get in trouble if you snitch

J: can you give me name of who was supposed to be my assigned upperclassmen?

Unknown: ...............

Unknown: No :)

J: ...............................................................

J: why are you like this

Unkown: (〜 ̄▽ ̄)〜

Unknown: I can't trust you incase you snitch

J: well give me a name or i might actually snitch 😒

Unknown: whatever happened to being considerate and respectful 😔

J: .......

Unknown: Vincent

J: that's not your real name, is it?

Unknown: not really :)

Unknown: but it well help you sleep at night

Unknown: <3

J: how considerate

J: 🗿🗿

Unknown: You are welcome 🥰

Unknown: byeeee

Unknown: byeeee

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