5] Bunny

11 0 0

J: Hiiiiiiii :D

J: Heyyyyyyyyyyy

J: Hellloooooooooo

J: Hola

J: Bonjour~

Vincent: Its. 4. Fucking. Am. 

J: oh-

Vincent: ........

J: Hi :D

Vincent: I regret my life choices sometimes

Vincent: WHat Do yOu WaNt? 

Vincent: AT 4 In tHE MOrniNg?

Vincent: Shouldn't you be, I don't know? SLEEPING?!

J: :(

J: I just wanted to talk

Vincent: jehufgakfbjsn

Vincent: WHaT aM I YOuR THerApISt?

Vincent: Its 4

Vincent: Can yOu Go tO slEEp? wE can talk in morning

J: morning?

Vincent: well not really

Vincent: :'D 

Vincent: I have classes

J: oh

J: I have a big secret that I am hiding from my friends

Vincent: ............

Vincent: We both have something 🤩🤩

Vincent: but you know what we don't have? sleep

J: i can't sleep

J: sometimes when I start thinking about the secret

J: I overthink

J: and my therapist said to distract myself to avoid bad thoughts

J: she says talking to someone helps

Vincent: why am I that someone 😔

J: I can't talk to my friends

J: and since you don't really know me

J: and I don't really know you

J: I can just say stuff without being judged... right?

Vincent: I-

Vincent: maybe? 

Vincent: are you going to tell me your secret


Vincent: why are you shouting over text jdnfvjdflofjd

Vincent: I was just asking 

Vincent: what else do you want to say?

Vincent: if nothing, I would like some sleep

J: if you really want to sleep... thats alright 

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