Chapter 3

385 10 2

12:30am Saturday

You wake up to your cat scratching at the balcony door "agh- fine fine ! Shh" you say opening the door- you quickly get changed and washed up (outfit in pic/banner again) you walk out to the balcony to see the view you look to left and ,,,,, it's Niki he obviously saw you look and he smirks softly - "oh god last night .." you thought to yourself does he not remember!  BING your phone goes off and clearly Niki noticed ' thank you phone for saving me from the awkwardness! You open it up it's .. JAKE! you squeal out of excitement
J: hey y-
j: haha it's fun, a lot of new people to meet
Y: Why are you calling ??
j: I haven't seen you in so long neither has Jennie so wanna go eat somewhere ?
y: ofc! let me just clean my apartment and I have a place we can go!!
You hang up before he could even say bye, you fill up jelly's bowl with water and food, and you hear a knock . You open it and of course it's niki "do you need-" "who's Jake ?" He asks calmly "haha- my brother " you laugh cleaning to your apartment- Niki looks around "oh." He says looking at the art on the walls "did you do these ?" He asks pointing at the paintings and drawings that are pinned to a board "mhm - worked on them throughout the years they are all dated even !" You say smiling "that's cool" he says looking around "who's Jennie?" He asks looking at you "my sister ! " you say making your bed "older?" He asks "they are both older only by a little tho" You say smiling he walks closer to you making you walk back a bit - you could feel your face warming up "you look cute when you blush " he says looking at you , you couldn't get anything out - or even really make a sound - you looked at his lips , he grabbed you by your chin and he laid his lips on yours , you honestly didn't want it to stop, especially since you already thought he was attractive and nice , you slowly had put your arm around his neck to bring him in closer - you both parted to catch a breath , you heard your door knob shake lightly "y/n-" you could hear Jennie shouting "oh shit!" You whispered , you ran to the door "uh give my a moment I'm changing !" You pushed Niki to your washroom " don't say anything" You glared at him , he smirked at you -  you walked back to the door and opened it "sorry " you laughed a little "ahh your place is so cute!!" She said - "oh my god-!" She said turning my face away from Jake "what?" Said Jake "I forgot the thing !!!!" She said to Jake "what?" He replied "GO GET IT" she shouted- Jake walked away to the car "what?" You said confused "your lipstick y/n!!!" She said pushing you to the mirror "oh sh-" you said wiping the smeared lipstick "god- guess you have a boyfriend ?" She said smiling "what are you talking about !! I just messed up my makeup !" You said punching her arm "mhmmmm" she said walking to the washroom "THERES NOBODY IN THERE!! I SWEAR" you said grabbing her arm - when she tried to open the door it wouldn't budge "huh?" She said confused "the doorknob is broken - I don't even use the washroom!" You said trying to prove your point "hm.. your telling me the truth when Jake isn't here " she said smirking "what are you talking about Jennie ?" Jake shouted "oh I must've forgot" she laughed "I didn't get her anything I thought I did tho.." she said "we'll wait in the car come out when your ready" jennie Said waving "okay.." you closed the door and opened the bathroom door "why didn't you tell me!!" You hit Nikis arm "what I thought you "messed up your makeup" " niki said smirking "agh! Go to your apartment!" You said pushing him out


"Y/n are you working ?" Jake asks waiting for the food to arrive "mhm - I work at this makeup store!" You replied "huh! So you are following your older sises footsteps" Jennie says confidently "haha I don't know I like makeup but sculpting is fun so." You said pouting "do both then" Jake says drinking some soup he ordered "thank you!!" I said.. but the waitress was stuck on jakes face "Hey!" Jennie says snapping her out of the waitress trance "oh I'm so sorry! Your family is so beautiful " the waitress says smiling she walks away apologizing "your not that attractive so don't get your hopes up" jennie says teasing ,the bell from the door rang and two tall guys came in.. oh my god.. Niki and ... some other very attractive dude .. "oh god" I mumbled  burying my face into the menu "hey y/n!" niki says taking the menu away from face I looked at jennie and her eyes were wide open "oh hi niki and...?" You said nervously "sunoo!" The guy says smiling "wait! You know y/n!!" Jennie says smiling with wide eyes "yeah" he says grinning "Are you two dating ?!" She asks "Jennie!" Jake says I look around and girls are basically drooling just looking at him and his friend .. "yeah." He says smirking - "what??! Y/n!" Jennie says shaking my hand "uhh haha n-" I say laughing nervously , it would be weird if I said we weren't right?? "He's joking!" I say trying to defend myself "am I?" Niki says teasing - "he is I swear!" You say looking at Jake , Jake glares at you "well uhm- oh desert!!" Jennie says breaking the silence "well we'll pick out our seat " niki says bowing slightly "agh!" I groan letting my head fall to the table


"Bye y/n~" Jennie fake cry's "ahh bye guys" I say waving to them "bye y/n" Jake says smiling i wave bye to them when they drive away - you feel a hand rest on your shoulder you get shocked and realize it was Niki "hmph-" you say walking away "I'm sorryy~~" he says teasingly "that wasn't funny." I say getting in the elevator "it was kinda" he said smirking "maybe for you!" I say he laughs , when the elevator door opens , and you leave "wow no hug or a kiss" he teases "mhm." You say walking to your door "hm we didn't finish what we started " he says cheekily , you could feel your face warm up AGAIN , he turns you over and pushes you on the wall - you couldn't look at him or you'd feel embarrassed, he grabs your chin and kisses you again - when he parts "goodnight y/n" he says going to his apartment you open your apartment door and felt like melting "ahh! Damn it y/n" you say flustered, you shower and changed and go to bed - the feeling of the kiss kept you up for a while tho ..

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