Chapter 6

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You and the class had changed into your swim wear (again outfit in banner/thumbnail)
You and chaeryeong got into the water "we haven't went swimming in so long" chaeryeongs whines "I know, it's nice" you smile , you heard sunoo scream and of course Niki was chasing him - "poor sunoo" chaeryeong says "wonder what he did" you laughed "probably nothing" chaeryeong giggled, sunoo and Niki had gotten into the water "hey, you guys wanna take pictures?" Niki says smiling "yeah su-" you got cut off by chaeryeong "wait you like photography?" Chaer asks shocked "yeah" Niki says calmly "I do too!" She says excited , Niki smirks . "And yes we can take pictures?" You say looking at chaeryeong "of course" - she says getting out of the water - she grabs two towels and hands you one "where are we taking the pictures?" Sunoo asks looking around - "Niki?" Sunoo says getting in front of Niki "oh uh.. over there" he says a little shocked

Niki sets up the camera and aims it at you and chaeryeong - you guys heard a click sound and looked at him "we weren't ready-" chaeryeong says confused "mhm" he says "hm what if y/n and Niki got a photo!" Chaeryeong says smirking "oh uh sure." You say - "look less awkward!" Chaeryeong yells- Niki stands beside you but leaving enough space. Click you ran over to see the picture and of course like you expected Niki gave you bunny ears "it's cute" chaeryeong whispers "shut up!" You say punching her arm lightly "what is?" Niki says walking over "your a terrible whisperer!" You say punching again "ah! It's not my fault" chaeryeong whines


You and chaeryeong say bye to sunoo and Niki and went to your room , you could hear the other girls talking about how they can sneak the guys in , we heard the door wobble a little and a female teacher walked in "remember the rules?" She said looking around "of course." A girl says smiling "mhm, well don't stay up too late." The female teacher says leaving — she probably knew you guys were gonna break the rules but obviously didn't care. You sat down beside Mina and she greets you to her friends "this is y/n and chaeryeong and this is-" Mina gets cut off by a friend "You guys are so pretty!" The other girl says to another 1 of her friends "yeah I'm not surprised Niki likes you." The friend giggles "oh uh we're not together.." you laugh awkwardly "really? You guys are always near each other." She says confused "he follows y/n" chaeryeong says laughing , "and uh this is karina, and Lisa" mina says laughing "nice to meet you" you say smiling - you all hear the door open and of course it's the guys "shh!!" One if the girls say pushing them in — "he's more attractive up close" a girls laughs out —  she says looking at Niki , you could see he was looking around and then he saw you "hi y/n" he says smiling "hi niki and sunoo" You say waving to sunoo , they walk over and sit near you and chaeryeong "are you sure we're not gonna get in trouble." You say worrying "hmm doubt it." Karina says laughing "don't worry." Niki whispers Ring your phone started ringing "oh sorry give me a minute" you say grabbing your phone . And walk out to the hall
Y: hi? Why are you calling
J: are you dating that guy?
Y: who?
J: the 1 from the restaurant?
Y: that's why you called ?! To talk about my
"Love life" ?
J: I'm your brother y/n I would like to know .
Y: I'm on a class trip call another time please
J: but-
You hung up before he could finish and walk back into the room "who's Jake?" Mina asks "you were eavesdropping?" You laugh "haha no, are you two dating?" She asks , you felt like you were about to gag "ew, no brother and sister." You say disgusted "sorry!!" Mina says apologizing - you sat back down "why'd he call?" Niki asks "uhh .. making sure I was okay" you smile - you see students bring out alcohol out of their bags - a male student hands you a bottle - "what about me?" Niki says glaring at the male student , he hands him a bottle "what's your name?" Chaeryeong asks "Ho-Seok" he says smiling - your eyes widen "wait- the 1 that likes y/n?" Chaeryeong asks "it's a common name!" You say trying to avoid the awkwardness knock knock you could hear the students shuffling - you throw a blanket on sunoo and Niki and a female student walks in "haha thought I was a teacher" she laughs sitting down "why'd you throw the blanket on me" Niki says throwing the blanket off "I don't want to get in trouble" you say glaring at him
"I'm hungry.." chaeryeong says getting up "so am I there's a vending machine down stairs-" you say getting up

You and chaeryeong walk to an elevator And when it's about to close a hand shoots in the little space between the closing door and of course it's Niki and Sunoo (déjà vu ?) "like the first time we met" Niki says laughing "yeah" he smile "ugh do they except everyone to get drunk and the professor not finding out?" Chaeryeong says groaning "Mina said not to worry ." You say assuring her "she's only saying that" she says looking at the ceiling "We'll probably not get in much trouble if they find out" sunoo adds on "yeah" You say - when the doors open you all go to the vending machine, you guys grab what you got "I forgot my phone in the room-" Niki says patting his pant pockets "hm y/n can help you find it." Chaeryeong says smirking "uh okay" you nod

You turn the room light on and look through the sleeping bags "which 1 is yours?" You ask turning to Niki "that 1." He says pointing . You continue looking around "is this it?" You say holding up a phone he walks closer "yeah" he says grabbing it. "You have everything?" You say still looking to make sure he has everything , you look back up at him, and he begins to walk closer — he grabs you by the face and gets closer "Your so pretty.." he says - instead of him going in , you do - and that's when a male student walks in "oh shit sorry!" He says turning around "it's not what you think!" you shocked , you look at niki and he's completely calm "uhh I thought you two weren't dating." He asks still turned around "we're not-" you say "we gotta go the class is gonna wonder why we are taking so long." Niki says grabbing you hand - you apologize to the male student - Niki opens the door , you let go "hah what were you two doing?" Mina says laughing "nothing" you say looking around "two students alone and you didn't do anything -" another student chimes in "we were gone for like 5 minutes ." You say sitting down next to Chaeryeong "what happened?" Chaer says whispering "I'll tell you later .." you whisper back "so something did happen" she whisper laughs

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