Chapter 5

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you put in your bag what you can fit , you quickly get dressed (the pic in thumbnail/banner is what ur wearing) and you hear a knock - you run to your door and it's Niki "I'm packed" he says smirking "I'm almost done!" You say out of breath "hah you alright " he asks walking towards your bed "yeah just been trying to get this done !!" You say looking at him "what's the last thing you need?" He asks "Oh charger!" You say grabbing your charger "now I'm done" you say rubbing your eyes. You notice his arm tattoo , a butterfly .. "hm you do have a butterfly tattoo." You say looking at his arm "you never noticed it" he chuckled "well.. no I guess not" you chuckle "what about jelly?" He asks "oh Jennie's gonna make sure she's fed and ok " you say walking up to jelly and hugging her "I'm gonna miss you jelly!" You fake cry "it's only for 3 days" Niki chuckles "that's too long" you whine "mhmhm" he teases "do you have pets?" You ask him "yeah butterflies" he says smiling "really?!" You say surprised "yep, wanna see them?" He asks "yes of course!" You say happily , you never actually been in his apartment, it's nicely decorated "did you decorate this place yourself?" You ask "no my sister did" he laughs "oh-" he brings you to glass enclosure, and you saw the butterflies "wow they're so pretty" you say looking through the glass "yeah" he says "When did you start "collecting" them" you ask "hmm a year ago..?" He says a little confused "or a year and a half" he laughs. You check your going 7:00 " we need to be there by 7:30" you say grabbing your bag. "Hm okay " he says walking to the elevator, he lets you on first and he goes on second "what did you bring?" You ask him "I brought my camera." He says calmly "you like photography, I felt like I could tell by your apartment" you laugh "yeah" he smirks , the elevator door opens and you both walk to the bus stop - you both got on the bus and noticed the bus was again.. "damnit not again" he groans , he grabs you by the waist and tries to find the emptiest area , he hugged around your waist keeping you secure, you could feel your heart thumping out of your chest , you grabbed on to his hands because it made you feel more safe and secure ( so cute and cringe lol ) when the bus stopped you both got off - " the class would be in sculpting department " he says calmly


You both walk to the class and chaeryeong smirks at you - Niki goes to sunoo and you go to chaeryeong "sad that chaeyeon and Giselle cant come.." you say whispered "they're going on a separate trip tho!" Chaeryeong whispers "okay students , this trip is to spark creativity and to of course have fun! The place we're visiting has a lot of artistic inspiration, Anways we know all the rules right?"  The professor says "boys and girls stay in the separate rooms they are given when it hits 10:00! No leaving the hotel after lights out and of course no alcohol " everybody groans - she probably knew people were gonna break the rules even if she told us not to . We all waited for the bus to arrive, I sat with chaeryeong and sunoo and Niki sat behind us. Chaeryeong fell asleep immediately, she doesn't enjoy long trip ride.

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