Something happened.

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Hii again im trying to post this quickly so i can move on to my next story which im actually doing rn too!<33

"What is it Miyo?" Liu said as he sat down next to Miyo. "Well, Kei left just now to go to his Home Place for something. But i have a bad feeling about it though.." Miyo said.

Liu put one hand on his chin and hummed "We should probably follow him! Since we never seen where he goes, and there must be something good he has to do there." Liu continued "Plus.. We don't have any running tournament right now." He was right today was a day off.

"Yeah alright we gotta wait for the others while we wait we should check Kei Room for why he had to go to his Home Place" Miyo said. Liu nods and both of them went to Kei Room.

"Lets look aroun-" Miyo said but stop when as she saw Kei brothers playing a card game.

"Oh hey there!" One of Kei brother spoke waving to Miyo.

"Oh hey" Miyo said as memories flooded her mind.

Liu Pov

"Hello! What are you guys doing here??" I said

"Weeeelll! Our brother had to go to our home place for something! And he said we should stay here" Said one of Kei's brother.

"Oh. Kei said the same thing to Miyo too! Right Miyo?." I said waiting for a response. "Miyo??" i said again as i looked at her. She was zoning out. I waved my hand infront of her face. "Miiiyoooo. Miyo to earth??" I said she suddenly looked shocked and scratched my hand. "AAAAEOWWWCH! That really hurt!! ;~;" I said as i pulled my hand back from her face.

"Sorry-.." Miyo said.

"It's Alright i guess, but what were you daydreaming about?" I said to Miyo.

"It's nothing really. Just thinking" Miyo said.

"Hmm..Alright if you say so." I had a feeling she was lying but I'll let it slide for now. "Anyways Kei told us the same! But me and Miyo had a bad feeling about it.

"Me and my bros thought the same too. But Kei said we should stay here and left him handle it." Said one of Kei's brother.

"Yeah.. Miyo we should probably get the others and discuss about this. Get them here I'll be waiting." Miyo did a quick nodded before running out to fetch the others.

'something is watching us. No. Someone.'

Kei Pov

I got off the train and headed to my home town. It's been a while since I was Here. I thought before walking through and saw how gloomy the place felt. 'It was never gloomy before..and where is everyone?!' i thought again before walking towards the temple where he said to meet at.

"Hello?" I said as i walked in it was dark. It was confusing. Before i could say anything else. The lights turned on. I adjusted my eyes to the lighting.

"Well Hello Kei.. Or should i say Gai?" The person in A black hoodie said.

"W-what?-" I said as i was then hold back by 2 masked guys. "What are you doing?! Hey let go of me!!" I screamed.

"Aw the Fun has just began but.. I'll give you a decision. Put him in the Basement." The black hoodie said as they turned around and back sitting on the Seat.

I struggled before i got knocked out.

Liu Pov

"Why are we in Kei's room Liu?" Popo said.

"It's because of Kei. He left for his home place for some reason we don't know. We have a bad feeling about it, so we are going to his Home Place." I said.

"But Liu we don't know where that is" Lonkey said.

"Well Kei's brothers are here. They are going to help us find Kei." I said.

"Oh we would probably see Gai there too!" Popo said.

"Yeah Gai.." Miyo said a bit sad. 'probably misses Gai lot huh' I thought before saying

"Alright let's go right now everyone!" i said as everyone nodded we headed for the train. We got onto the train pretty fast cause we are the running man. 'Next destination. Mong Temple.'

As we got there. We saw people with weapons outside the gate. "They were never there before when we left?" Said one of Kei's Brother.

"Kuga think you can knock them out?" I said as Kuga smirked and said

"With pleasure" He got up and knocked them out instantly. 'Wow that was quicker then i expected it-' i thought before I told everyone to get into the place. The place looked Gloomy and dark. And with no one in sight. What happened here?

"Looks weird and creepy.." Lonkey said shaken

"I could agree with you Lonkey." I said as we continued to look around more.

There was no one so we went to the main place we were looking for the temple. I took a peek inside i saw Someone in a black hoodie LUCKILY they didn't spot me and no sight of Kei he must be trapped somewhere. I gestured them the close is clear. We knocked out some people who were guarding and wore their Clothes for disguise. We saw some hoodie guys talking and told Lonky and Popo to distract while me,Miyo,Kuga and Pala continued to look around. I then saw a basement.' this must be where they are keeping Kei. We got into the Basement i saw a familiar face or helmet.
"Kei! There you are now let's get out of there" i said before using the key we got from one hoodie guy.

"Wait guys? Why are you guys here?" Kei said.

"We had a bad feeling and we knew something is wrong so we came here.But mostly it was Miyo's idea" i said.

"Well thank you guys. And thank you Miyo." as Kei said that Miyo gave a smile.

"Aaw how sweet. Lets end this shall we?"

1003 words

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