Chapter 12

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"No you don't......." Serena's eyes watered

"I do. You don't understand how much I love you...... What happened"

"I just didn't want to be alone anymore......"

Oh..... "So you tried to kill yourself"

"I don't have a reason to live anymore......."

"Don't say that"

"It's the truth. You can't possibly have any idea what I'm feeling"

"I don't want to lose you again. I can't bear it"

"Yes you can. You have a family. You have something to live for"

"I love you"

"Can I ask you something"


"You and Nikki have been married for about 9 years. Have you ever cheated on her"


"Have you ever lied to her"


"So it was me in our relationship....... Why didn't you do what you did in our relationship in your current relationship"

"Serena,..... I don't know..... Maybe it's because losing you made me realize the depths of my mistakes and I didn't want to make them again. If you were really GONE, I'd want to try being a better person because I know that's what you would want"

"You didn't or wouldn't change in our relationship......" Serena started to cry

"Please don't cry. I can't say 'I'm sorry' enough. Please forgive me. I'm sorry"

"No....... No more....."

"I love you"

One Month Later 

I moved back to Chicago. I'm now in a one bedroom house. Thank goodness WWE still owed me a check. I do have a job and I'm a waitress at Denny's. Not the best job, but I'm getting by

I barely talk to Roman and refuse to keep intruding on my daughter's happy life. Rona is happy the way she is with the family she has. If only I could be happy......

I laid in my bed crying. It's my day off. The clock read 7:25pm. This is me on a daily basis: laying in bed,.......crying. I lost everything and it's all thanks to that asshole, Christian. Well, he accomplished his goal and kept his promise. Christian said he would make my life hell and make me miserable. Hats off to you Christian. I know that motherfucker is smiling his head off in hell

My phone rang. Ugh!!!!!! Oh...... It's Seth


How are you

Eh. How are you

Good. I have great news

Tell me

Well, you know how tonight is my last night then I'm retiring


I decided to move to Chicago


I'm moving to Chicago


My sister lives there and she really wants me to move out there. You don't seem happy

No! I am. This is just so surprising. Hopefully, I'll see you soon

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