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Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

The prince had stepped through the doors and the rumours were true.

He IS handsome.

My eyes travelled his appearance immediately, I couldn't resist it.

He was as tall as his dad, but his hair was longer. Hold back in a loose ponytail.

His eyes shone brightly and my gaze fell onto his lips. Which soon turned out to be a mistake, since they caught my hungry eyes as if they had spoken a spell over me.

His lips were well shaped, plump and looked incredibly soft.

I wondered how they would taste...

Lee Yongbok, STOP. Stop these thoughts, they wont help your disease.

I eventually managed to draw my gaze away from them and instead scanned his body.

His statue was less buff than his dads ones but I still could see the defined muscles through his dark red button-down shirt.

He had stunning, really long legs, which were covered in a black trouser. His legs ended in shiny, black shoes.

His posture was flawless and no one could doubt his position as a prince.

I snapped out of my thoughts as he bowed lightly and I was one of the first people to stand up and bow back.

"Good morning everyone.", his soothing voice spoke up. I watched his mouth moving perfectly while he kept speaking. I somehow managed to pay attention on what he was saying.

"It's really good to be back and I hope we will get along as good as before. Please sit down.", he chuckled lightly.

His laugh seemed like music to my ears.

And I immediately sat down, I would do everything this man asks me to do.

His sharp features shone perfectly in the rays of the sun.

The whole crowd hung on his lips, it was clear which effect he had on everyone. No one could deny his beauty.

His pretty eyes scanned the room warmly. He was probably searching for a table to sit.

But I immediately turned my eyes away from his. Under no circumstances I wanted to make eye contact with him.

I suddenly realised that I sat alone at this table with three free chairs.

Shit! Shit! Shit!

Please don't sit here.

I only dared to look up again as I heard someone moving.

To my bad luck it was Hyunjin who moved.

And he came into my direction.


Please don't sit at my table.

Please don't sit at my table.

Please don't sit at my table!

And god must have heard my prayers, because Hyunjin stopped in the middle of the room. At a huge table.

I saw a free chair standing there and he sat down, while the king sat down on his own table. At the end of the room, near me, but far enough away. Luckily.

I quickly changed my seat, so that I would look out of the window, instead of seeing Hyunjin.

I ate in silence, my thoughts travelling around a certain prince.

And he didn't left my thoughts, he stayed there.

During the breakfast.

During the walk back to my room.

During the quick shower.

During my outfit crisis.

And during my walk to the kings office.

I sincerely hoped to not meet Hyunjin there and when the doors were opened for me I sighed in relief.

He's not here.

But now that I stood in front of the king alone, my nervousness came back.

I tried to hide it the best I could and stood with the most authority I could summon right now.

'I have been a prince.' I told myself that over and over again.

I smiled at the king in front of me and he smiled back at me, which automatically calmed my racing heart a bit.

I bowed deeply and he responded with a deep nod.

"Prince Yongbok, welcome.", he smiled warmly at me. Oh.

So he knew who I am, was?

"Yes I know who you used to be.", he answered my unspoken question, "And I know why you're here.", he added.

My heart immediately started racing again.

He will burn me!

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