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Early update for my loves 💗



I couldn't resist and started touching what is mine, knowing damn well how possessive this might sound. But seeing this two girls throwing themselves at my Jinnie like this made me want to throw up. Especially because every blind person could have seen how incredibly uncomfortable he was.

"I wonder what they were thinking.", I questioned with anger in my voice, pressing the words through my clenched teeth. "Obviously, they weren't thinking at all.", he laughed but I heard the insecurity wavering in his voice. He himself still looked a bit overwhelmed with the previous situation.

"I really wanted to bitch slap them.", I admitted while my hands slowly travelled down his defined upper body and he leaned into my touch. "I know. I saw your with hate boiling glares towards the two. I didn't even knew that you could be so jealous.", he admitted, "It honestly looked good on you."

I felt the heat stirring inside my stomach, pressing our clothed but burning bodies against each other while I roughly tugged at his soft, black hair.

"The two clearly crossed lines with their actions, you should tell your father about it once he's back.", I offered, clenching my jaw once again as I thought of the way the one girl's hand had lasciviously travelled upwards Hyunjin's thigh.

"I know but my father wouldn't do something against it, he always reminds me to treat the girls nicely. Its actually not the first time that they had gone this far.", he admitted while his eyes flickered from my eyes to my lips.

His hands meanwhile caressed my waist, pulling me even closer. But I only felt my blood boiling with anger, "This wasn't the first time?!" "No, it wasn't.", he admitted his eyes expressed light hurt inside them as he broke our eye contact for a few seconds.

God what did he go through? "Jinnie? Do you want to tell me what happened?", I questioned with a calming voice while I tried to calm down a bit, anger is the least emotion we needed right now.

His eyes now left mine completely, examinating the floor while his hands stood at my waist. Grasping it tighter as if in an attend to search for comfort.

His eyes expressed hurt, sadness and regret. I basically saw the gears turning inside his head while terrible memories flashed before his eyes.

I felt bad, I didn't want to remind him about something he clearly tried to forget. But otherwise, I would always be here for him. He could tell me everything, I will listen.

"You don't have to tell me now, if you don't want to.", I offered, softly caressing his cheeks, "I'm always here for you if you ever decide to tell me."

His shiny eyes slowly found mine again, they overflowed with hurt while he gently nodded, deep in thoughts. My heart tightened thanks to it. What happened back then?

The silence suffocated us, my heart pounded hardly against my ribcage and I tried to breath steadily. Hyunjin's gaze switched between my eyes and his floor. I noticed his posture slowly weakening, his shoulders sinking and his expressions faltering.

His eyes now shone with tears he really tried to hold in. I've never seen him so helpless before and I didn't know what to do. My heart tightened even more while I wanted to burn every person who had hurt my lovely, caring, talented Jinnie.

"Can- Can you hold me?", his quiet sobs wavered into the silence as a first tear escaped his chocolate oceans which usually shine with happiness, admiration, love or lust but now pure hurt could be found in them.

I pulled him into a tight hug, he immediately melted into my arms. Resting his cheek onto my shoulder, while his hands desperately clasped onto my shirts fabric around my waist. His quiet sobs were muffled into my shoulder and my heart shattered into a million pieces.

Trying to calm him down I soothingly ran my hand over his back and caressed his soft hair while I held him close. I felt the wet, salty tears dropping through the thin fabric of my shirt.

His whole body shook in sobs which filled the suffocating silence in his room. I felt incredibly bad, even though I didn't even knew what hurt him this much.

Once his sobs started to calm down, I guided him towards his bed so that we could sit down. We actually laid down and I gently pulled him onto my chest, soothing his back and mumbling words of love into his ear.

After a few minutes, which had completely felt like hell due to his heart shattering sobs and me not being able to do much against them, those sobs eventually died down.

His face slowly arose from my chest and his now red eyes and puffy cheeks looked at me. His arms still had a tight grip around my torso. In an attempt to calm him down more I playfully ruffled his hair, gently combing it afterwards.

"What's wrong?", I carefully questioned in a comforting voice, not wanting to make him cry again. He obviously debated with himself before he let his head sink back onto my chest.

Silence filled the room once again as I let my hands run trough his hair again, not wanting to force him to speak. He'll tell me about it once he's ready.

"Yongboggie?", his voice silently called. I almost didn't hear him due to his voice getting muffled by my chest. "Yes Jinnie?", I answered while he looked up again. This time his eyes stood on me. He glanced at my whole face for a few minutes.

First my eyes, then my hair, then my ears. After that his gaze travelled along my jawline and back to my eyes. There they stood for a few seconds before they travelled down my nose till they rested on my lips.

His shiny eyes eyed my lips with admiration and I felt the urge to lick them, which I eventually did, causing him to smile a bit and look back into my eyes.

His hand found my jawline and ran over it gently as he brought his face closer, "I've always wanted to count your freckles, you know? They're adorable.", he smiled in admiration, "They look like constellations. Constellations I would love to get lost in."

My heart lightly melted at his words, no one had ever told me that they liked my freckles before. I never really liked them to be honest. But Hyunjin does.

I cracked him a warm smile, placing my thumb gently over his cute little mole beneath his left eye. I really loved it, it added cuteness to his breath taking face.

"But I've always lost count tho.", he admitted with a light chuckle, fluttering my heart with it. "Lost count or got distracted?", I questioned teasingly as I saw him eyeing my lips again. "Both.", he admitted before I pulled his face closer and connected our lips into a sweet, caring kiss.

We found comfort in the other's soft lips playing against our own. I closed my eyes and completely melted into the kiss, feeling his strawberry tasting, incredibly soft and gentle lips on mine.

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