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DOUBLE UPDATE FOR YOU GUYS!! 💗 I've been finally able to write a bit again hehe



"S- She's... alive!", the king stuttered with a large smile on his face.

But I couldn't believe my ears. This is a dream right? How could this be? Hyunjin's sister has been gone for years!

How is it even possible that she's still alive? Seriously, how?

I saw the disbelieve on Hyunjin's face slowly fading into hope and small tears formed in his eyes. He hugged his father tight, now crying into his shoulder as well.

I just stood next to them in disbelieve, how could this be? Hyunjin suddenly detached his arms from his dads side and came over just to pull me into a tight hug as well.

Feeling his tears dripping onto my shoulder I hugged him close, feeling his warm body against mine.

The euphoria shone brightly through his motions and emotions, "Please pinch me, this has to be a dream!", he pleaded.

I did as I was told and he flinched, opening his eyes, "Did you just-" "You told me so.", I just smiled at him, lightly hitting his arm.

The disbelieve shown brightly in his eyes but hope formed in them, slowly taking over, "Where is she? Can I see her?"

The smile on his fathers face faltered, his shoulders dropped down and he faced the floor, "That's the thing, we don't know."

"H- How come you don't know?", the boy in my arms questioned and I was just as confused as him.

"Look, we received a letter this morning, it says "Your daughter Yeji is alive" and that's it. We tried searching for clues on it but found none."

"Could a sender be seen on it?", I questioned, maybe we would get more information about her if we contact the sender?

"No.", the kings shoulders sunk lower and he suddenly looked older than he actually is, all the joy seemed to flow out of his body.

A few tears escaped his eyes, "I've lost all hope in the chance of her still being alive, now I finally received a letter but its worthless."

His head swung from side to side in disbelieve before he faced us again. He came closer, patted our shoulders and slowly left us in the great hall, walking towards his room.

"Nah this cant be.", Hyunjin spoke up, "Why should someone send us a letter with these words but nothing more?"

"Maybe its a lie?", I carefully asked, I didn't want to ruin his hope but all this seemed like a big fat lie to me.

"No.", everything in his look and motions pleaded for it to be true, I saw it in his eyes. Small tears escaped his eyes again, I pulled him closer.

"Don't say something like that, she's alive, she's well, she's out there somewhere and maybe she needs our help?" His whines were absorbed in my shoulder, his body trembled.

"Hyunjin look at me.", I warmly spoke up, pulling his face out of my neck, "As much as I want this to be true, believe me I really wish for it to be real, it sounds too good to be true.

If she's really out there, why do we hear about it just now?", I gently swiped away his warm, salty tears and placed a gentle kiss onto his pouting lips.

I knew that we were in public and I waited for someone to see us but gladly no one did.

Hyunjin melted into the kiss, desperately pulling me closer, searching for comfort in my warmth.

Slowly detaching his lips from mine I started to lead him towards his room. We would have some privacy in there and I could comfort him fully.

Once we reached his room, I gently laid him down onto his comfortable bed.

We slipped under the covers and I pulled him onto my chest, he immediately snuggled against it. I reached my hand into his soft hair and gently combed it, placing a gentle kiss onto his forehead.

"Please don't leave me.", he suddenly whispered against my chest, slowly looking up with teary eyes and a pout.

My heart tightened and I pulled his body closer, "I will never leave you, I promise.", I reassured him.

"I cant loose another person I love, its been enough.", he sniffled, "Why did she leave me? Wasn't I enough?" His words shattered my heart, how could he say something like that?

"Hyunjin listen to me please.", I begged, pulling his face up so that our gazes could intertwine, he nodded with shiny eyes.

"Please believe me when I say that you're enough. You're such an amazing and lovely person. I truly believe that someone took Yeji away from you because she wouldn't leave you on her own.

I truly think that. Please stop blaming yourself for something you had nothing to do with. I love you with everything I have and I will never leave you, I promise."

His eyes only watered more and he drew me closer, muffing his sobs into my chest. I placed a gentle kiss onto his forehead and continued to play with his hair.

"Thank you Yongbok-ah.", he called in a soft voice. "Anytime.", I smiled warmly at him.

We laid like this till the sun started to set down and the golden hour set in. His pretty features were underlined thanks to it.

He truly looked like a prince, an angel to be honest. With his soft hair, his shiny eyes, flawless skin and plump, soft and kissable lips...

But that's only the peak of the iceberg of his beauty. Everything about him just screams pretty. From his long legs, soft skin, his unique thoughts to the way he thinks.

The way his hands move when he draws, the way he gets absorbed into his work if he has to focus on it or how he admires the small things in life.

I fell hard for him long ago, I got attached to him and the way he pleasured me way too quickly and I didn't realise I had slowly fallen in love with him for a way too long time.

But I knew it now, I knew it for quite a while now and every time I had said it to him I truly meant it.

"I truly love you Hyunjin.", I admitted, facing his gorgeous features.

His eyes shone with love as they curled into those adorable crescent moons and his lips formed a breathtaking smile. "And I truly love you Yongboggie."

"Promise me to always stay by my side and trust me on whatever will happen.", he asked, his words sounded strange.

Of course I would stay by his side, no matter what would happen. I would trust him with my life and follow him wherever he would like to go.

"I promise to stay by your side, trust you on whatever you decide to do and follow you wherever you'd like to go."

"Really? Because I would do the same for you.", he admitted. "Yes, I promise.", I answered with a warm, strongly beating heart.

Suddenly a knock could be heard on his wooden door, we detached our bodies from each other with a last quick, sweet peck on the others lips before he walked towards the door and I sat down at his desk, pretending to write something.

Hyunjin opened the door and a servant stood in front of it, smiling widely, "Sir we received a second letter about your sister and the king awaits you in his room immediately." 


Yeees we're getting to the angst-y part of the story.... settle yourself bc this will be a longer story than I expected it to be whoops- 

But I have to admit that I really like the way its getting to and hope you'll like it as much as I do hehe

I have great plans with this story y'all 😈 Btw the thought of possibly killing someone in this story still lingers in the back of my head muahahaha-

~Tay 💗

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