Chapter 1

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Attention please!

This is my first fan fiction ever and I apologize in advance.

Sorry for all the grammar mistakes I will make (especially with the freaking verbs who I find a real struggle in English).

As an excuse, English isn't my first language.

Thank you for your attention and let's begin...

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Ezaap always had been attracted to spirits and everything that touched Eywa, the Great Mother. His mother, Ronal, was the Tsahík of the Metkayina clan and every time she needed help or assistance, her oldest son Ezaap was always ready to assist.

As the oldest of all his sibling, it was his duty to succeed his father's title of olo'eyktan, the clan's leader. He possessed all the qualities to lead his clan and protect it, that wasn't a problem but he was lacking desire for this title.

He wished to become the clan's Tsahík but that was beyond impossible for him, a strong and fierce warrior who's destined to make the Metkayinas stronger with every seconds that he'll passed as the olo'eyktan.

That was his destiny  he had learned about before even being able to ride an Ilu. Tonowari, Ezaap's father, had found it important to prepare his son as sooner as he could for the title he would inherit.

The 16 years old never had been interested in the role of a leader but had not once wanted to disappoint his father, who was someone Ezaap deeply cared about his approvals and love. In order to not disappoint his father, Ezaap hadn't missed a single training or learning lesson (quite the opposite of his brother, Ao'nung, who never had been a ponctual person) and did everything his father said.

A perfect son for the perfect role.

Those obligations never had prevented him to spend time with his mother, communicating with Eywa as well as interpreting her will, listening to his people and doing lots of spiritual ceremonies.

That was exactly what he was doing now, on a normal sunny day in the Awa'atlu village.

A silence filled up the room as Ezaap and Ronal were meditating to calm their minds and practice bonding with Eywa.

Suddenly, a horn could be heard, indicating the arrival of newcomers. The curly black haired teenager opened one eye to see what was going on but his mother wanted them to finish their occupation.

When Ezaap got out of his family's marui, he saw the Metkayinas circled something or someone, who seemed to be the newcomers. The teenager turned to his mother who was behind him and waited for her approval. When Ronal nodded, he let his curiosity get the best of him and started to walk toward the waterfront where his people were.

When he came closer, shadows appeared and disappears on top of him and the others Metkayinas. It was his father's and two other warriors' tsuraks (skimwing).

Tonowari commanded his tsurak to dive in the water and then the chief of the Metkayinas got slowly out of the water to see the strangers who came to his village.

As he got closer to the strangers, who Ezaap was finally able to clearly see and was pretty surprised by their beautiful dark blue skin and their beautiful eyes who were the colors of the forest, Tonowari saluted the older male out of the 6 strangers who seemed to be the father of the group.

"I see you," both of the males said and it was followed by a few similar greetings from the other 5 dark blue Na'vis.

Ezaap couldn't really distinguish their faces because he was at the whole back of the group of Metkayinas but he could clearly see their eyes.

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