Chapter 4

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Thank you so much for 300+ reads, it is actually unbelievable that in so little days people read my book!

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Thank you and I hope you have a good time reading! 👍👍


The sun wasn't even up when two pastel blue eyes opened. Ezaap, still in a sleeping position, looked around and found his parents sleeping close to each other. He could also see his sister Tsireya peacefully sleeping with her puppet made of leaves that Ezaap made himself when they were younger.

As he raised to his feet, he had to stop himself from moving forward because his younger brother was laying at Ezaap' feet. Ao'noung was on his stomach with his head which rested on his arm and his mouth was open as he snored quite loudly.

The oldest brother of the family was impressed about how deeply his mother, father and sister were sleeping, he was certain that those noises would've woken them up by now.

Ezaap slowly made his way to the exit of his Marui, not forgetting to take his hunting weapon with him because we never know what dangers nature will be willing to trow at us, and soon found himself walking toward the water, the ocean.

As he arrived to the edge of the water, he sat on the warm sand, looking at the moon who was still shining even though the sun will soon rise.

The teenager always had trouble sleeping, it's why he never was a ball of energy like his siblings and always seemed to have exhausted eyes. Surprisingly, none of his mother's cures or rituals could help him get more sleep so when he would wake up, always he took refuge on the beach, waiting for the sun to wake up from their beauty sleep.

Sunrise weren't bad but they were too bright for his liking and always made him remember that he had to survive a new day under the pressure of everyone's expectations of him. Ezaap was strong, he could bare it.....right?

As the young Metkayina was lost in his thoughts, he suddenly felt like someone was watching him. A gaze who made Ezaap's hearth beat faster. Could it be danger?

Not wanting for the person or thing that was staring at him to know of Ezaap's awareness of his or it's presence, the Metkayina slowly reached for his crossbow who laid beside him.

As he put an arrow in the crossbow, he took a deep breath which is how is father taught him to hunt. Tonowari had told his eldest son to always take the more oxygen he could in order to make his head as clearer as possible to be the more precise possible.

At the moment his instinct told him to turn around, it was exactly what he did.

As he turned around, he pointed his hunting weapon to where he felt the stare who was burning holes in the back of his head.

Suddenly, his eyes fell on a boy.

Ezaap soon recognized him as the eldest Sully son because the boy was leaning on his family's new Marui.

Neteyam wasn't expecting that his life was going to be threatened today so panicked, he quickly raised his hand as high as he could, showing he was no threat.

Ezaap titled his head, in confusion of the dark blue skinned boy's action. It probably is a human thing, he thought, knowing very well that Neteyam's father was once one of the sky people.

The Metkayina teenager lowered his weapon as he did a quick scan of his surroundings to be sure there wasn't any real threat.

Sorry, the Metkayina signed with the Na'vi sign language which he had been taught at a very young age. The yellow eyed boy scrunched his brows and made a highly confused face. Ezaap could clearly see that Neteyam didn't understand sign languages or perhaps he was too far away from him.

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