Chapter II

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Location: Evolution Server
POV: Grian

It started like any other day in the Evolution server. Players minding their own business, building, adventuring, or going off in groups to explore the tall towers and puzzles left by the Watchers. I should have paid attention to my gut. Why didn’t I listen to the bad feeling I had about their name? No, it was already too late, they had corrupted my mind with their power. I would never have let them control my server in my right mind. As an Admin loyal to the players in his server who trust in me to protect them, I stand against the Watchers who seek to cause chaos and destruction.

“Hey Grian! What are you thinking about?” asked Martyn, dressed in his usual outfit consisting of a green shirt, blue jeans, and sandals. He adjusted his dark gray bandana, which held back his blond hair.

“Oh not much, just thinking about stuff.” I replied. I stood up from where I had been sitting under a tree in Spawn and sighed, shaking my head to clear my thoughts. “What have you been up to Martyn?”

“Well, I'm glad you asked! I've been working on a new build, and I think you'll love it! but I want some pointers, if that's okay?” He asks, excitement and anticipation evident in his voice.

“Of course! I'd love to see your build!”

“Great! Follow me, I'll lead the way.” Martyn says while turning around hastily and heading off in the direction of Downtown Evo.

I laugh and quickly chase after him. We travel through Downtown Evo. I look up at the growing buildings, now almost completely finished. System Zee and I have been working on a building together and now that one is almost done as well. I look at the few shop stands scattered around the town which helped to bring life to the area. Soon, we reach the edge of Downtown Evo and head onwards in the direction of Pearl’s Base. Curiosity fills my head, why would martyn have built something at Pearl's base? She was a very talented builder. Her base is filled with organic builds, which are some of the hardest to make.

Pearl joined later than the rest of us, even later than Taurtus, but I've known her for as long as I can remember, Pearl being my cousin and all. I am glad to have her on my server. She makes a great addition to our group with her talent and sense of humor. Before long, we arrived at her doorstep. I walked up to knock, but without noticing the pressure plate I stepped on. A yelp barely escapes my mouth as the block below me falls away, bringing me along with it. I opened my eyes that I had squeezed shut during the fall and found that I didn't die surprisingly. I was down 7 hearts out of my 10 though.

“Hahahaha! You should have seen your face!”

I look up to see Martyn, Timmy and Pearl laughing together right outside the opening of the hole I was currently stuck in.

“The prankster becomes the pranked!” Pearl shouts down to me. Her light brown hair blew in the wind around her. She wore her normal outfit consisting of a white shirt with a dark blue hoodie and blue jean shorts. “Martyn, Timmy and I have been planning to prank you back for awhile now.” she giggles.

I shake my head and smile, that's fair. I had earned the title of being the prankster here on my server. I glance around at my surroundings and notice a button on the wall which I press. After a few seconds nothing happens and I look back up at the others. “Was this supposed to do something?’ I ask. Pearl quickly turns to Timmy, “Did you connect the redstone like we planned?” Timmy’s eyes go wide and he smacks himself in the face. “Nooo, I forgot. I did the other stuff though!”

Pearl lets out a sigh but Martyn comes in before she can say anything. “Just break the two dirt blocks in front of you. Have fun!”

I turn back to face the dirt and do as Martyn had said, ignoring the sound of Timmy’s screams as Pearl chases him. The dirt once removed gave way to a tunnel, undoubtedly filled with booby traps. I take a deep breath and start forward, pulling out a torch I had in my inventory. The passage led to a stone room, filled with a parkour course. Not too bad, I can do this. I jumped onto the first block, then the next, slowly making my way to the door at the top.

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