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so i decided that the bold and underline words is the father speaking. -author


I woke up hearing someone banging on my door, it was probable dad since mom told be she'd come home late today. I got up and open the door, the minute I open the door a shiver of regret went down my spine. My dad was drunk as fuck, I had to hold by nose because he smelled so much of alcohol but I regretted doing that because he grabbed my wrist and started yelling. why the fuck are you holding your nose you worthless piece of shit. Do you not have any respect for your elders! huh! My dad yelled. S-sorry d-d-dad. SORRY MY ASS, GET YOUR FUCKING ASS DOWNSTAIRS AND CLEAN THE HOUSE, AND AFTER YOUR DONE GO BUY ME SOME NEW BOTTLES OF BEER! AND YOU BETTER BRING ME 10 BOTTLES, AND DON'T COME BACK UNTIL YOU DO " my dad yelled. Y-yes sir. I said. He let go of my wrist and walked away slamming the door behind him. I walked back to bed and grabbed my phone to check what time it was, it was 8:34. I got up from my bed to see how much money I had left to buy my dad his drink, only $10 left. Fuck I need more money, guess I'm not coming home anytime soon. I work in a cafe that is not so far from the music studio that I go to rehearse or create new music piece, the problem is that the cafe doesn't pay me much and beer is pretty freaking expensive around here, especially since my dad wants ten bottles. I got to my closet and get my red and black backpacks and start packing because I'm obviously not coming home soon. I put in my wallet, phone,charger,headphone,a pair of boxer, socks, a shirt, and well that's about it. my parents don't really buy me much stuff ,One because my dad hates me well at least that's what he says, but I want to believe that he is just drunk when he says that to me and Two my mom is paying my dad debt and if she doesn't then she gets beat up. So I never bother her about stuff I need because I don't want her to get beat up by dad. I put on my backpack and head down stairs to clean up the mess. While making my way to the living room I tripped on one of dad beer bottle and fell on some broken glass. Ahh! that freaked hurt!" I said out loud. I got up and licked the blood that was starting to form. I'll worry about my hand later. I started picking up the bottles and put them in the garbage I found near the couch. I then sweep the house and got what ever kind of alcohol we had left and placed it on the counter top for dad to see. I then put on my red converse and headed out the house. It was pretty freaking cold outside. I didn't actually own any sweaters or jackets so I was out side wearing a long sleeve shirt and some kind of basketball shorts. My hair was down. I made a mental note telling myself I need to buy more hair dye and gel. I grabbed my phone to check what time it was know 9: 38. SHIT I'm late for work. I ran all the way to work.

TIMESKIP BY KIRISHIMIMA, i was to lazy to right the run there:) - author note

when I arrived I to work I was greeted by my one and only best friend Denki kaminari. YO DUDE! are you alright you luck tired.!?!" Denki said Y-Yahh I-i-i ran h-er-e" i said trying catching my breath. OH okay, should've thought of that in the beginning anyway your late dude. You better hurry up before the boss gets mad." Denki said. Y-yah I know man ill be there in a min." I said. Aright then see you in a bit dude.' denki said, and then he walked away. I put my bag in my locker and headed to the bathroom to put on my working clothes. I wince at the pain while I was taking off my shirt. There where cuts and bruises down my spine and arms. The cuts I did by myself and the bruises where from some of the kids in my class that really hated me. I'm so freaking weak. I can't even call my self manly.

ANOTHER TIME SKIP FROM KIRISHIMA AND THE AUTHOR, again I was to lazy to write the changing procese.XD -author

HEADS UP: Okay I know the UA in mha is about hero stuff but we going to pretend its a normalish school but not to normal. so i was like thinking everbody would have the basic stuff like math and stuff and there would be like after lunch you'd have like 2hours of class for stuff you want to do for your futuer like sing, draw, or cook. etc. i don't know . (pls corporate with me:) -author

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