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so the underline is kirishima past self with black hair.


yah i know your probable like why that name and charachter but i mean i'm very motivated to find a name for this shitty boss.:) pls don't hate because im about to make the first few chapter kiri living night mare. im sorry my poor baby kiri but it must be done. -author

After that hot blondie left i coundn't think of anything else but him, to think he want my number, he even called my cute. haaaaa~. why do i want him so bad.

He just want to use you for his dirty needs. no one would want someone as worthless as you. i mean look at you. black hair so not cliche and your skinny and selfish

why cant you just shut up. I was upset know, I cant even have nice normal thoughts without my depression creeping in on me. I guess I zoned out for a bit cause then I heard Denki yelling at me. sorry bro I past out. We can talk about that later boss is calling you and hes mad, so hurry up bro and run! he yelled out will looking a bit scared. I mean I am to our boss is only mad when he sees a failure in his store. and who ever sees him his usually fired. I can't get fired. I don't have any other job. I knocked on the door and hear an unpleasant grunt, telling me to come in. I waked in. Hurry up boy I don't have all day. He said looking back at the papers he was holding. kirishima quickly sat on the chair. g-good evening Gigantomachia. Yah whatever you worthless shit. I just need to to tell you that your fired! he said looking straight at me' like if I just spilled coffee on his new shirt. Kirishima was now crying. Sir please I don't know what I did but please I need this job. I don't have any other. At this point he was pleading like a child. Gigantomachia just stood up. before leaving the room he said. I don't want a worthless piece of shit in my cafe. Get your shit and leave before I beat you up. and with that he left. kirishima was walking out the office looking like he saw someone get shot in the head. Denki saw kiri like that and was worried. yo bro whats up. you looking pretty dead. Was boss really that mean. Denki asked looking a lot more seriously. I-i got f-fired bro. kiri finally said. Denki was now pissed. But you didn't do anything. he said yelling know. Bro calm down i-ll ... just find another job. kiri smile widely though it was a fake one. Denki kinda new, but he didn't want to piss his friend off after he got fired. If you say so bro but just head home and sleep. Ill come over after my shift okay. he said with a look that said i'm about to break the boss neck. What ever you say baby. kiri laughed. denki smile. oww babe your blinding me with those eyes of yours. oh i'm sorry babe forgive me. kiri said pretending to cry, well the where real tear but he made it look like it wasn't. They both laughed at there pretend boyfriend game. They didn't like each other like that though. alright bro gotta go buy. Denki said and then left. kiri walked out the cafe he used to work smiling until. the voice came back.

hes dosn't actullay care about you. he was just pretending to be your friend like the other. hes probable just happy you got fired. Denki is just piting you.

Just shut up already. I put my hear phone on and started listing to music. I started making my on lyrics with the beat. I was finally calming down i just felt ... safe with the music. But that didn't last long because next thing i new i was surronded by three tall ugly ass men. and when i say ugly i mean ugly. I was was confused as fuck but also scared. All i wanted to do was fine some place i could sleep in. One of the men spoke up. hey babe your cute~. wanna be my bitch. ill pay you. I looked around to see if I could escape but there was no escape. u-umm no thank you sir. um may you pls move. was all i manged to say. the dude was now pisses. Listen here shit just be a good boy and follow us or well kill you and your family. i don't want my mom to die. i mean he could end my life right know but i need my mom to be okay. so i just nod and followed them . the man lead me into a dark sidewalk. (i don't fucken now what you call it -author) they began to grab me and pull my clothes . i started getting more fuing scared. i started pushing them trying to run. pls noo. that was last thing i manged to say before something stabed my neck. a needle? i wasn't able to move. they must have but something in the needle he thought. no shit shelock, why eles would you not be moving. one of the guys started to take his clothes off. wa-aait what stop pls. he started to feel something go in hiss hole. and another thing in his mouth while his dick was touched.

( im not going in to what happen for one because um i dont know. what the fuck im writing hehe. and two felt so cringy.-author)

I woke about an hour later maybe and was confuse on where I was. It was until I saw my dick hanging out of my pants. My lower body was hurting alot to. that was when I remember what the three guys did and I started to break down crying. why me of all people i woke up by dad yelling fell on some glass, got fired, and know raped. what did i do. really wish i could be in mom arms. your useless, a useless person like you should deserves pain. n-noo. what do you mean no you can't even help your mom. your right. you should just end it jump off a building. tomorrow i can't move right know. weak bitch, whatever. I couldn't complete move so i decide i would sleep here tonight. plus it's not like i can go home. He put his pant back up and looked for his phone but it was gone. everthing he packed was gone. shit the took my stuff too. at this point i was hyperventilating . two mins later i was humming a song and then paced out.

( this is what he was humming. don't blame me:( -author)

time skip brought by our one and only zenitsu rip off DENKI KAMINARI. yahhhhh -author


I was heading out of work to go check on kiri. the breeze was nice, there was snow on the ground that i just wanted to eat, and it was fucking cold outside, but wait wasnt it sunny this morning. guess not. i finally made it to kiri house and knoked on the door. the min it open a strong smell of alcohol. like as if my brain is't already fucked up. i though it would be kiri that would open his door but it was his dad. what you want kid, if it's girl scout cookie then your at the wrong door. he said looking pissed. i mean rude but whatever. im kiri friend just came to check on him today wasn't really a good day.i said looking a bit upset. he upstairs sleeping so fuck off. he looked even more piss. i was pissed as well. like the attutuid this man as. okay well ill just text him. by sir. and with that i left and head home. why do some men have to be a bitch. i started texting kiRISHIMA.

lightning mcqueen⚡️: SUP MAN! just came over to check on you but your dad said you where sleeping so im texting you.

its been an hour since i send that text. im worried. maybe he was that tired . ima just past out and take a nap and wait tell he text me in the morning. and with that i shower and went to bed. skipping dinner of course.


i woke up smelling waffles. yumm waffle, but wait i didn't make any and no ones here. why it smell like waffles. the answer to my question was my plushies that was a waffle, named waffle, that smelled like a waffle. Mina did say i shouldn't buy smelly plushie because it messes up my brain but what ever. while i was proccesing the morning waffles smell i remember i texted kirishima so i quickly grabbed my phone and looked if he sent me a message....... no messing. maybe he really upset. ill go to his house later to check if hes there after my shift. i got up at some burnt toast and showerd the headed out the door. i hope kiri is alright. it's fucking freezing today.

(so i need help here guys like, im not sure who to ship denki with. like do i do sero, jiro,or shinso-author)

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