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the bold is kirishima-author


The old hag was fucking annoying me again. We got in yet another fight about some shit, I can't even remember. I cant wait to go to UA, just one more fucking week and I can get far away from this hag. Apparently they have dorms there so I won't see the hag often plus ill get to do my dream job. I decide id go to a cafe to calm myself down. So I went to the closes one I could find. It was closes to some kind of music store or something. Anyway I went inside and was immediately surrounded by cats. I never really went to cat cafe but I am a fan of cats. So I picked one up and read it's collar. Oscar.? I said. funny name. I was about to but the cat down when a fucken short red head popped out of nowhere and scared me. I guess he knew he'd scared me because he immediately bowed down and kept saying sorry. I'm so sorry sir! pls forgive me! said the red head. He was shorty then me and looked pretty a bit skinny. whatever. I said. The only thing I was thinking about know was how cute he was his tan skin, crismon red eyes, his red hair, and his lips. I slapped my face no fucking time to be gay. The red head looked a bit confuse. are you okay sir?" he said. i just gave him a ,tch, and then walk to a table I saw near by and sat down. The red head followed me and then asked what I wanted to order. Um what would you like sir? he said with a big sharky smile. OOf it was so bright I though I was going blind, mada mada i'v been shot. Just give me dark coffee cutie~ I said know smiling. Wait did I just called him cutie shit. I look up at the red head and saw he was red as his fucking hair. I smirked knowing I was the one who made him fluster. U-u-okay an-y-y thing e-else s-sir. he said while trying to look at me, but i guess he was to flustar. I decide id pull his leg just a little bit more so I decide to say. Hmm yah that and maybe your number. I said. I think I had maybe played around to much because know he was super red and couldn't say anything with out stuttering so he just nodded and left. I chuckled a little and went on my phone. it only toke 1min to processed what I just said to make me feel fucking embarrassed. WHY THE FUCK DID I SAY THAT?! well whatever it seems that hes singal since he didn't say anything.


it didn't take that long for the red head to come back and bring me my coffee and a piece of paper that had his numbered on it. I smiled. well i have to go know see you next time cutie. i said and then walk away. the minute i stepped outside i grabbed my phone and typed in his his number. then i headed home.

this was pretty short sorry hehe~

BROKEN RECORD ~KIRIBAKU~Where stories live. Discover now