Episode Eight!

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Kaissa's hair was soaked by the rain pouring from outside the school doors, the strands dripping against the back of her legs as she walked. Her features were screwed up with anger, and the coffee dripping from her skirt and down her legs pooled beneath her laced-up, coffee-stained, white converse.

"The fuck is wrong with you!?" Kaissa screamed, her hands twisted into fists.

There was a deep and aggressive shake to her voice, the underlying effects of teenage anger issues.

After being drenched by the rain on her way to school, she'd decided it was a good time for coffee. Kaissa couldn't care less about the restrictions nor the consequences it held, but she'd often walk into the teacher's lounge, make herself a coffee, and skip the first period whenever it'd rain like this.

However, as she was walking out, she walked straight into a boy running past, late to his first-period class due to complications made by the rain.

"O-Oh my gosh! Are you alright?" the boy asked.

He was equally covered in Kaissa's coffee yet only seemed concerned about Kaissa. The boy wore big thick glasses that wore down his face, and his hair stuck up in all sorts of directions, also drenched by the rain. His school shirt was covered by the prim and proper school sweater paired with the tie. With only a glance, Kaissa could smell the straight a's seeping out of him like a toxic gas, even through the thick layer of humidity in the air.

"No, you fucking asshole, I'm covered in coffee, and it's only 9:00 am," Kaissa hissed, trying her best to rub the coffee out of her clothes with the sleeve of her shirt.

"I'm sorry, I-I didn't mean to bump into you!" he exclaimed, hoping that would ease the tension he'd caused.

"Just fuck off to your stupid class and leave me alone," Kaissa scoffed before turning back into the teacher's lounge to refill her half-full mug.

The lunch bell rang, and the skies had cleared. The sun beamed brightly between the clouds as Kaissa and Petra ate their lunch. Kaissa shoveled her noodles into her mouth with a deep and annoyed glare. Petra, on the other hand, smiled gently and delicately as she slowly nibbled at her sandwich, mindlessly scrolling through the phone sitting in her hand.

"Can you believe that asshole, Pet!?" Kaissa grumbled, referring to the boy she'd bumped into that morning.

"I think you're overreacting. All he did was run past. You're the one-," Petra stopped her sentence mid-way when she'd noticed Kaissa's glare was now directed at her.

"Uh, yeah, he's so unreasonable," she continued, not wanting to deal with her moodiness.

"Fuck, whatever. 'Sin' asked to meet today after school again. You gonna come with?" Kaissa said, changing the subject.

"Yeah, I'll come, but I have to leave halfway because of Violin prac," Petra replied, picking up her phone to scroll mindlessly once more.

'Sin' was the equivalent of an underground boxing ring. It was run by the student council and was regularly monitored and regulated when needed. It was held in an abandoned storage shed in the middle of a cornfield, and students from other schools would often come and place bets on fighters winning odds. Sin's reputation had grown to be known by the entire city's adolescent audience and was now one of the largest entertainment businesses among schools.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2023 ⏰

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