She Is Mine Forever

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*Taylor was still at Eric's. Since he was still asleep and her sisters had stuff to do today. Taylor changed into her bikini and laid out in the sun. Thinking about Eric and Stefan, Stefan and Eric. Her thoughts made her sigh and she wished her mom was here. So she could talk to her, tell her worries and more. Klaus and her haven't talked too much. They did here and there. Taylor was just going with the motions and she knew loved Eric but she did love Stefan...The best she knew how. Her phone rang and it was Stefan*

Stefan: Get to Damon's now...*Taylor heard the panic in his voice*

Taylor: Stefan?

Stefan: Now and be careful...*Taylor hung up, got dressed and grabbed her keys. She went to walk out the door when her mind went to Eric. Taylor walked back up to him, ran her fingers through his hair, kissed him and left a note for him. She sighed leaving him, she always hated it and always would. Taylor finally got to Damon's, walked in and Jeremy held the crossbow up at her*

Taylor: Whoa! It's just me Jer.

Elena: She turned him into a vampire hunter.

Taylor: What! How?...*Taylor said with complete shock*

Stefan: How do you feel?

Jeremy: Like I should kill each and everyone of you...*He ran after Taylor and she grabbed his arm, pulling it behind his back*

Elena: TAYLOR!

Taylor: One move and it's broken.

Jeremy: Alright. Alright. Now let go...*Taylor lets go and he swings at her. Taylor grabbed his throat and Elena tackled her*

Elena: That is my brother!...*Taylor saw Jeremy get up and walk over to Elena with the stake. Taylor's eyes got wide and Damon pulled him back. Taylor pushed Elena off and stood up*

Taylor: Your brother...Who just tried to kill me and you. You want to stay here with the vampire hunter who is your brother then so be it. I'm out of here. Not that I know a way to tell us apart of anything....*She walked out*

Damon: What does she mean?

Stefan: The tattoo. Savannah doesn't have the tattoo. Pam and Eric are thinking of a plan to put her down.

Elena: What does she want?

Damon: Me...*Damon sighed and walked to the bourbon*...When you know more. Call brother...*Stefan nodded and ran after Taylor*

Stefan: Taylor. Wait.

Taylor: What?

Stefan: Calm down...*He caressed her face*

Taylor: I'm sorry..

Stefan: It's okay. Listen, go call Caroline and Bonnie. Let them take you out. Take your mind off Savannah...Elena...*Taylor smiled*..Go. I will cook for you later and some other things...*Taylor kissed him and he kisses her back*

Taylor: Okay. I would like that a lot.

Stefan: Love you.

Taylor: Love you too...*Taylor drove to Bonnie's*

Damon: Nice save brother..

Elena: Good luck..*Stefan nodded, got in his car and drove to Eric's...It was night fall and Stefan waited for Eric. He heard him moving around and he knock on his door feeling the nerves*

Eric: Stefan? What brings you here?...*Eric went to get a blood bag from the fridge and he held one up for Stefan. Stefan shook his head no*...That's right..You don't do blood.

Stefan: We need to talk...*Eric leaned against his fridge and Stefan sat on the bar stool*...Silas is after Taylor.

Eric: What? Why?

A Vampire Life | Book 2Where stories live. Discover now