i faded

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The words, blurred they kept me busy,
Was never getting enough seconds to be sad,
Surveyed like a child I sat there empty,
Half grieving and half sad.

My world filled with colors,
A thousand of 'em,
All of 'em bright,sparkling jade,
The pain of the past,
On which I knew me,
I was losing my identity,
I began to fade.

Maybe this is ,all I wanted,
All I wished for ,
Still something in me ,
I called feelings, are dead.

I'm trying to heal ,
Not sure how to ,
But I'm trying ,
Trying To be normal like they said..

The boundaries blurred,
Become all empty ,
The voices is in ,
Now silent, which were mad,

What should I hope ,
What should I remember,
The future which comes ,
Or the past I had?.
[Dec 15.2022] -soulswift

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