hush !

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Lets talk about the things ,
They dont talk about ,
Cuz elders keep it hushed,
But we teenies wanna shout,

U got some spicy thought,
Dont worry i got too,
But that topic aint so happy,
Just like me and you,

So ,let's just take a moment ,
A moment to hide ,
Cuz people I'm gonna write something,
A word like " he died ",

He was so A cheery darling,
Oh he always smiled ,
But one day ,we got a message "he's gone ,he died ".

He was found swinging ,
Oh the swings i loved ,
But the swing was on ceiling,
Where my favourite fan worked ,

I never understood,
Just a letter as goodbye!
And elders told me he's gone,
Cuz that weakling ,never did try,

They described all his pain ,
A silly teenage problem,
And his last goodbyes,
Had a thousand comment on em.

Then months and days passed,
And people forgot,
There was a little sunshine ,
Who played with me in shorts.

But I still Had questions,
Did death ease the pain?,
Or was that really ,a
Silly teenage hormonal game ?,.

And I wanted to ask ,
Will i do it too,
And leave behind others,
Just like I was left by you.

If I meet in heaven,
I would like to ask,
Just how much pain was there,
Behind that smiling mask.


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