mommy issues ?~

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Painted for acceptance, drawn for revenge
Existence out of nowhere ,a price or a friend '?
Merging with the sunset, and surging with the thunder
An art peice  fiiled with scratches, and lines outlined
With wonder

A little art I am ,oh love me do,
Mom will u someday ,love me,Tell me  will u ,?
I look for ur colors ,in all of this world .
I'm moulding myself, waiting for ur love .

A sculpture of madness ,a mixture of dreams ,
Now broken in pieces, Expectations unseen,
Who painted me ,what have I been,
Where is my rule book ,for what now to be?

Created ;and destroyed, layers of paint ,
New rules ,new days ,goals with no ends ;,
Cut this ;! Oh do ,
"But mom tell me why "?
No more questions, just do ,"yes did I

No face ,no form,
Just a mesh of feelings.
Fresh blood ,all red,
Many scars, not healing.

Nothings left raw ,
Where do I belong ,
When u never loved me ,
What do i long,?

I'm a mirror of u ,
Ur deepest desires ,
You planted in me ,
your thirst and your fires,

You are my artist, I'm a mere art,
Oh love me ,oh do,
Just when will u start?
Dont leave me ,like this ,
My existence is none ,
Were u sincere ,
Or my blood was ,just fun?

Everyday Creating, art peice of your dreams ,
These brushes hurt,"mom stop ! I scream.,
You never listen ;',Blood drops unseen',
If not your art peice then what have I been?

~soul swift

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