kill your darlings-

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If there's nowhere ,
For your love to go,
Pour it ,
Pour it all ,
In the objects you own,

It might be a lethal ,
Cruel thing to try ,
But I think it's better ,
Cuz objects don't cry,

And if you're still afraid,
Put your love ,
In words and threads,
These words will let you ,
Love them ,
Paper stays till end,

And if there's love ,
Still left in you,
You can try ,
To store it too
But storing it may go
In vain,
If you don't love ,
Yourself  again,.

'waiting for love ,is a wretched thing ,
When all the rain does ,is remind you ,
You're  alone ,
When all the journeys do is ,yearn
And these painful nights of yearning ,
Don't sleep ,they keep waiting,
And waiting to see

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