Bree x Sel-Dragonhearted

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A/N: okay, I've realized I' m TERRIBLE at writing action/battle scenes. Tried it a million different ways and it still felt so awkward-so take some semi-fluffy content instead. Also I know some of the dialogue doesn't seem to flow well especially on Bree's end, but fight-or-flight go brr I guess? (Don't worry they get a lot better after this one)

I stand over the uchel's corpse, my whole body still shaking. I might be stronger than I used to be, I might be faster and more powerful, but the greater demons are still terrifying, and this one's no exception. I can feel Sel's eyes on me.

"We need to check the area for more." My voice cracks, coming out in a whisper. "There might-it might have been commanding a pack..."

"The others are already searching. We're taking care of it," he promises. I hate how obvious it is that I'm shaken-that I'm not ready to be king.

"Sarah was hurt. Is she-?"

"Already with William. Tor made sure she got there safe."

"And you're... okay? I know his healing won't help you, but you don't have to stay out here if you're hurt..."

"I was about to ask you the same thing."

"I'm fine," I mutter. "Just... wasn't expecting this today."

I can feel him holding back some snippy retort. "No one ever expects an uchel to be hanging around right outside the Lodge."

I nod. Of course it wasn't expected, but it won't ever be. I wasn't prepared, and that's the end of the story. Leading the Table into battle is pretty much my whole job, and I wasn't ready to do it. But honestly, right now that's the last thing I want to think about. I'm sure the others will have plenty to say later.

"...Sel, I..." I look away, at a loss for words. I don't know what to ask for, what to say. I just need to talk to someone who understands. Who won't judge me or think I'm worthless for being unprepared. I need to know I'm safe and okay. But God, why does he have to be the one that makes me feel like that?

He meets my eyes, concern flickering across his face. "Bree, are you sure you're okay-?"

"No, Sel, I'm not okay!" He doesn't deserve my anger. He doesn't deserve to be shouted at right after a fight. But honestly? It feels good to let myself be upset. "I'm scared all the time, half the time I can't even tell what it is I'm scared of! They all expect me to be some kind of perfect king, but sometimes waking up in the morning is more kill than I can handle! I can't do any of this!"

My heart pounds in my ears. I'm furious, and I know it's irrational. Sel hasn't done anything to me-if anything, he's trying to help me. He steps closer to me, an emotion I can't decipher shining in his eyes. Gently, he takes my hand.

"There is not a single person whose opinion matters that thinks you are worthless. You were not prepared to become king, yes. But 'not prepared' and 'incapable' are two very, very different things."

I know he believes it. I just can't convince myself of the same things.

"You are an incredible king, Bree. You can't punish yourself for every mistake you make."

I look away.

"...Your heart's still racing," he murmurs. Now worry's written all over his face. "We're safe, I promise. It's okay."

When did I start crying? "I know, I know..."

"...Take a breath. Calm down."

"Calm down? Sel, I'm not a child. I know how to make sure I don't make a scene-"

"I'm not asking you to calm down so you don't make a scene," he insists. "I'm trying to make sure you don't start running around with-God, I don't know, massive claw marks on your back or something. Because when you're this panicked, this shaken-you can't tell how badly you might be hurt. And don't try to tell me you're fine. That uchel went straight for you, tossed you into the walls-even with Arthur's full strength, you don't get out of that with just a few scrapes. So please, just a minute or two to run a systems check?"

I roll my eyes, but obey-and practically as soon as I start focusing on it, my ankle's sending very angry signs. Putting a little more weight on it results in a lingering shock of agony.

Alright, so probably broken, or at least really badly sprained...


I can't stand when Sel's right.

Not only is my ankle presumably broken, my arm probably is too. And I've got a terrible headache-my head goes straight to concussion, but I honestly have no idea if it's even from an injury or just stress.

The amber eyes of my Kingsmage hold a mixture of concern and amusement. "Perfectly fine, hmm?"

My voice is strained and I'm fighting tears again. "Sel, I swear to-!"

He chuckles, lifting me gently. "I've got you, don't worry."

A/N: OKAY THAT FUCKING SUCKED GOOD LORD. I'm making it a personal rule to post everything I finish regardless of quality-just so I can get some feedback & keep this a Work In Progress instead of a Work I Never Plan To Continue.

But yeah. It's not just you. I hated that too. Then again, I had this idea as I was falling asleep, and the motions/dialogue I was envisioning sounded RIDICULOUS when I wrote them down.

See y'all whenever another 2AM idea hits.

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