Take Back The Night

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A/N: so this is actually a request from a friend. And since I got 0 sleep last night, this'll probably be a lot less formatted/professional than the others. It's mostly just me fucking around.

By the way they're playing D&D. Sel's character is Eren, a Drow rogue. Bree's is Brook, a wood elf Druid. Nick is DM. Alice's is Isolt, a Dragonborne Barbarian. William's is Valor, a tiefling Cleric.

You enter a small tavern. On first glance, it's just like any other, but knowing the message Eren found on the bricks outside... you can all tell that none of the 'customers' are very comfortable there. It's not a place anyone stays very long.

"Well, this place doesn't look very friendly," Brook murmurs. "...Look, maybe we should turn around. It's probably a red herring."

"And here I thought you were the smart one?" Eren raises an eyebrow, flame flaring around his fingers already. "Of course this place isn't friendly. It's a murder den, Brook, no one expected sunshine and rainbows. But honestly, this isn't even the worst spot it could've been... everyone seems 'human' enough. It's not a problem until you walk in and a red dragon's making the deals."

Isolt laughs. "A dragon, please. They're such self-centered bastards! They'd never run a business."

"...Wait, aren't you descended from one of them?"

"Takes one to know one, Valor."

A massive Dragonborne, far larger than Isolt, stands up when you enter. He doesn't seem hostile, exactly, but certainly not friendly.

"Names and addresses," the dragon grunts.

"Addresses?!" Valor's eyes widen. "Eren, I know you're used to all this, but... seriously, are you not seeing a problem?"

Eren is silent for a long moment before raising his chin and meeting the guard's eyes. He lets out a flurry of Infernal that the other seems to understand perfectly.
"I tell him that these are my allies, and he will let them pass without collecting information," Sel explains. His eyes glow with confidence. "I say that I need a place for all of us to stay, just for one night, and I swear on rogue's honor to stay in my lane and not make a fuss. Oh, and I make sure to slip in that we aren't afraid to use force if we must."

"You're an idiot," Alice groans. "This guy isn't scared of you." She flips her character sheet over from the notes she's been writing and checks something. "...Damn, can't speak Infernal, so I can't even challenge you in canon."

"It's not supposed to be an option." Nick rolls his eyes with a laugh. "But Sel talked me into making it the language of the city's criminals, passed from one to another and whatnot. Makes it easier to communicate in secret to have a language no one else can understand."

Of course he did. Asking in secret for a thing that gives him an advantage? Sel really does play into his character. Or maybe he's just truly chaotic neutral. "Well, we can't do much about it now. How does the guard react?"

"Wait, since when can Eren speak Infernal?" William breaks in. "That's not information shared with us."

"He's quite secretive," Sel responds. "It is on my sheet, if you don't believe me."

"Not doubting you. Just surprised."

"I have a lot of surprises."
Before you know it, you're in a massive room. It's not unlike a hotel-clearly designed for someone to stay. It's also clearly first-class. Not exactly comfortable, but as close as you'll get here.

"Are we going to talk about that?" Brook asks. "Since when can you speak Demon?"

"Since I was five," Eren shoots back, "And it's not worth talking about. It's Infernal, by the way, not 'Demon.' Just like you don't speak Elf."

"Did you never think to tell us that you can speak Infernal, then?"

"When in Gaia's name would that have been relevant?"

"It's not, but it would keep me from wondering if you're some... I don't know, high-class demon hiding in a human skin!"

"Please, not another fight," Valor mumbles to Isolt.

"Speak for yourself, this is the best entertainment we've had for weeks," the Dragonborne responds in a low whisper.

"Come on, Brook, I know you aren't an idiot. If I was Hellborn you'd all be dead by now."
"Says the literal Shadowborn," I mutter under my breath.

"I'm not the one who brought the idea of goruchels here."

"Oh, shut up."
"And so what, you just taught yourself a language no one in this realm speaks natively? Yeah, right."

"And when did I claim to speak it natively? It's a language passed around through the thieves' guilds of this town. Not my fault that I can do something you can't."

"I can't stand you sometimes, you know."

"Oh, I know. I'm insufferable."

A/N: (three weeks after I started this...) Y E S. I know this doesn't really make much sense and doesn't have a good ending but OH MY GOD it's been too long. I promise I DO want to write, and I've got tons in progress, but they all stall the moment I open this damn app. And not to shift blame but there's apparently a shortage of my ADHD meds and I haven't been able to get them to ~2 weeks, I'm not having a great time... but yeah! LMK if you guys like this more casual style, I can spit these out pretty fast.

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