Bree x Sel-Craving You

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A/N: so this is, like everything else, post-lcariad. Almost immediately after, actually. And I'm giving myself a hard time limit of This Guard Competitiong , but it's finals so it's going to be 12+ hours, so I have plenty of time at least. If it's terrible, it's because I'm sort of forcing myself to write so I can clean off a bit of rust-don't expect magic from this one.

Also this is the spiciest thing I've written so far. No actual sexual shit but there's a lot of implication/insinuation/thoughts.

What the Hell was that?

My whole body still burns with desire, desperately at war with my logical mind.

It was wrong. I can't just-He might have left us, but I do still love Nick. I can't just... play around with anyone I want.

He left us. Left me. He clearly doesn't feel like I'm important enough to even warrant an explanation. Why should I deny myself something I want?

But he's more demon than ever. Incubi are supposed to make you feel like that. It doesn't mean anything. Doesn't even mean it was something he intended. It was just a stupid lapse in judgement and it won't ever happen again.

God, I desperately want it to happen again.

I press my eyes shut, trying to extinguish the flame of want still burning bright within me. Whatever might happen between the three of us from here, I can't take anything further with Sel. Can't keep thinking about the press of his lips, the heat of his fingers on my neck, the passionate burning of his gaze... Warm heat, unquenchable and desperate, rising like a storm as he draws out a desperate moan from my parted lips...

No. This isn't right.

I realize I'm pressing my lips together, remembering the pressure and desire in his kiss, and nearly flinch. His magic can't possibly be this strong. It's supposed to be subtle attraction, a gentle pull-not this. This want is a wildfire, out of control and all-consuming.

I love Nick. I do. He's everything I want. Everything I need. But Sel woke up something in me that I didn't know existed. A burning desire so demanding that it's almost impossible not to run to him and lose myself in lustful bliss. And yet somehow that idea terrifies me just as much. I'm not sure I want to know what Sel's thinking right now-even the idea sends a shiver of heat through my spine. Those deadly-sharp fangs, pressed against my neck as his eyes glow golden with lust...

With a sharp shake of my head, I pull myself out of that daydream. It won't happen, and it shouldn't happen. We're better off keeping this sudden friendship than trying to make it anything else... I just wish I could actually convince myself of that.

It's not aether doing this to me. Mesmer isn't the reason I can't think about anything else, the reason my mind's running in circles. This is  only my fault-I took it too far. I opened a door between us that didn't even exist a week ago. I didn't know how much I wanted to kiss him until I did, and now it's the only thought in my head.

...Maybe it's nothing. I'm certainly not the only girl his eyes have landed on. Maybe it's just another day for him. Maybe I can act like the thought of tomorrow-either having to go back to normal or figure out what we are-doesn't terrify me.

But it didn't feel like nothing.

And I don't want it to be nothing.

I don't know what Sel and I could possibly be for each other. I don't know how I would explain any of this to Nick. I don't know if this is just Sel being Sel, or if this might be real.

But tonight all that I can manage to think about is how right this feels, even when my logic wants to fight that. That no matter what tomorrow or the next day brings, something happened tonight that no one can take away or undo. And it wasn't a death or a spell, just boldness and passion and everything aligned for just a few heartbeats. Breath and emotion, call and response, the same way it's been with Nick since the beginning.

Maybe for once I can actually let myself enjoy a moment. Stop wondering how it'll go wrong, what I messed up. Just be a girl who kissed a boy tonight, and let that be enough.

A/N: okay this is way shorter than I want it to be and most of the spice dropped off pretty quickly but when you're sitting in a room with your mom and best friends with no escape for 15 hours it's a little awkward to write about how gorgeous a fictional character is. But here's my first attempt to dip my toes into something a little bit more risqué-

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