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BTS was left in stunned disbelief, realizing that they had completely forgotten about Namjoon's birthday. Conflicting emotions arose within them as a mix of indifference and guilt tugged at their hearts.

Jackson: oh! I just remembered I have a gift for ya joon. Wait I'll quickly go and fetch it.

Namjoon acknowledged Jackson's departure with a nod, and as he exited the restaurant, a waiter approached their table and placed a cake on it. Confusion clouded Namjoon's face as he glanced at Mark and the others.

Namjoon: a cake again? why? didn't we already cut one at home?

BTS felt a sinking feeling in their chest hearing namjoon's words but they ignored it focusing on the food in front of them. 

Bambam: yeah we did, but Jackson Hyung and mark hyung wanted to cut another one. ask them why. 

Namjoon gazes at Mark, silently signalling for him to speak up.

Mark: what?! You don't want it?

Namjoon: I just don't understand why one more when we have cut one at home. 

Mark: well no particular reason I guess we'll eat the cake alone. your loss we'll be eating your favourite chocolate cake in front of you and you won't get even a single bite. 

namjoon's mouth watered at the sight of the cake but he restrained himself from eating it. namjoon couldn't help but remember Jimin calling him fat and ugly. 

namjoon: but- 

Sejin: it's ok Namjoon-aa you can eat your fill today. Don't worry about your weight. It's perfect as of now. You can even add more sweetness if you like.

Namjoon quickly nodded and wasted no time diving straight into the cake. With sheer delight, he poured an excessive amount of chocolate syrup and generously sprinkled countless sprinkles and choco chips onto the cake. The members of GOT7 jokingly claimed that they could develop diabetes just by witnessing Namjoon's indulgence. In the midst of this, Jackson returned, holding a wine bottle in one hand and a beautifully wrapped small box in a delicate pastel green colour.

Jackson: I see you are enjoying your second cake. How is it? Do you like it?

With his mouth still filled with a delicious bite of cake, Namjoon glanced up at Jackson. His lips were smeared with a hint of chocolate, and there was a small trace of syrup on his cheeks, causing them to puff out slightly. As he caught sight of Jackson's return, a warm smile spread across Namjoon's face, causing his eyes to squint in a joyful expression. Jackson playfully placed everything he had brought on the table and teasingly pinched Namjoon's cheeks.

Jackson: gosh! it should be illegal to be so cute!

namjoon swallowed the cake before answering. 

Namjoon: it's amazing. and stop calling me cute. 

Namjoon concluded his sentence with a wide, beaming smile, his eyes blissfully shut, revealing his charming dimples that caught the attention of the BTS members. They couldn't recall the last time they had witnessed Namjoon smile so radiantly or seen him so genuinely happy. Yoongi clicked his tongue, his gaze fixated on Jackson's hand, which was gently wiping away the chocolate syrup that adorned Namjoon's lips with a loving gaze in his eyes. 

Jimin: what happened?

Yoongi's gaze shifted from Jimin to Namjoon, and he shook his head in slight frustration. Though unsure of the exact reason for his irritability, he resolved not to dwell on it or acknowledge any feelings of jealousy that might be surfacing within him.

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