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jin's eyes fluttered open, wincing in pain as his eyes tried to adjust to the bright lights from his surroundings. A hoarse groan left his throat as he felt a sharp pain near his abdomen. 

He tried to stand up, but his body felt heavy and the pain was unbearable. He sighed and gave up, staring at the blank white ceiling.

As he stared at the ceiling, he attempted to recall everything.

Jin remembered everything clearly. the pain he felt after being shot at. The member's faces as they saw him bleeding. Namjoon's hurtful expression and question.  

jin: why would he ask that all of a sudden?

Jin glanced around the room, seeing the time. It read quarter past ten. This meant that the visiting hours were over. hence he was forced to wait till the following day.

His mind drifted, and he pondered how long it had been since he was admitted to the hospital. Were any members hurt? Was the individual who shot him captured? Or did he run away?

Many questions raced through Jin's thoughts, but the one that concerned him the most was the one Namjoon had asked him.

His stream of thought was interrupted as he heard someone enter the room. Jin gazed at the nurse who had entered. When the nurse noticed that Jin was awake, she checked a couple of things before going to get a doctor. when the doctor arrived he read a file and glanced at Jin. 

Doctor: do you remember being shot?

Jin nodded weakly.

Doctor: good. We will inform your guardian. Unfortunately, the visiting hours are over so you will be meeting your family and friends tomorrow.

Again Jin responded with a nod.


Jin responded weakly to his parents' questions. He had hoped that his parents would not be told, but the situation was too critical not to notify them. but Jin felt better emotionally after seeing his parents. 

After a while, they left and BTS entered. Everyone was there except Namjoon. Jin's gaze wandered around the door, searching for Namjoon's face. But there was no Namjoon to be found anywhere.  

Jin: where is Namjoon?

Yoongi: he isn't here hyung.

Jin: why? What happened?

Yoongi: about that.... After we looked in the direction of where you pointed we saw him. He tried to escape but jungkook caught him. We called the police and an ambulance. We finally caught that stalker, hyung.

Jin: I meant, why is Namjoon not here?

Yoongi: he...

Hoseok: is blaming himself for whatever happened.

Jin: what?

Taehyung: after we brought you here Namjoon Hyung started blaming himself for whatever happened and he won't talk with us at all. He even moved back to his apartment, hyung. 

jungkook: but what happened? I mean why were you both in that alley? didn't you say that you both were going to buy some ice cream?

jin: namjoon, he... (sigh) I think it's time to explain everything to him... we can't keep it a secret among us any more than this. 

jimin: but didn't we decide to keep it a secret to not hurt him? wouldn't he hate us if he knew?

jin: he might or he might not but if we don't confess he will surely hate us even more. we can't possibly keep it with ourselves any longer than this. it has already done enough damage. to us and more importantly to him. 

hoseok: if you say so hyung. but I'm still worried. after a long time, we were so happy together and saying everything now would shatter everything into a million pieces. 

jin: what about him? his feelings? I might not be in the position to say this but I'm afraid that we will have to come clean. forgiving us or hating us for the rest of our lives is up to him. 

yoongi: I think Jin Hyung is right. look at namjoon now, he is already hurt because of how we are still keeping things from him. it's about time we tell him the whole truth. true he would be even more hurt but at least he will know the whole truth. 

jungkook: I'm afraid... afraid that Joonie Hyung will really leave us.... is it really necessary to say it?

yoongi: I know kook. even we are afraid but look at the situation before us. how is it any better?

There was a heavy silence in the room, with everyone's heads down low in thought.  

jin: I've decided to tell the truth to namjoon. what about you guys?

yoongi& hoseok: I'm in. 

taehyung: me too. 

jimin: you're right hyung. I'm in. 

jungkook: then I guess me too...

Jin: don't worry kook. everything is going to be alright. 

jungkook: ...(smiling) yeah, you're right. everything's gonna be alright. 

jin; then. the first we do after my discharge is to tell namjoon the truth. the reason why everything started. (this way I'll be able to answer your question namjoon. this time rather than staying quiet and hurting you more I'll tell you the reason I and the others started hating you. hopefully, you will forgive us even if it were my silly wish. )


a short chapter. sorry for that. 

I had to write this in such a hurry since I hadn't expected everyone to complete the target soo early. so it might not be a good chapter, especially the dialogues but please bear with me. 



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6 comments from different people. (higher target cause I need some time to complete the next chapter. but I hope everyone will complete it.)

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