487 40 14

Date- xx xxxxx xxxx
Ok, so long story short today was fun and meaningful? I guess so.

Jungkook took us all to a theme park and we all enjoyed it of course except hobi. He didn't ride half of the rides.

But it was amazing seeing everyone split up and properly deciding the rides and all. It was amazing to see them all together. Had it been in past we might or might now have considered spliting up and would have a brainstorming to decide or simply decide through rock paper scissors.

They've grown up so much in my absence and it makes me wonder if I really was nothing but a hindrance to their growth...

Anyway, so we all decided to split up and i was with Jungkook. The very first thing that boy suggested were a few rides that we enjoyed a lot! We clicked selfies together and shared it to the rest of the guys and they did the same.

Later when we were decided to eat something we paid a visit to the food stalls. While eating the snacks Jungkook apologized to me. Honestly after a few seconds only I had lost counts of how many times he had said sorry.

But listening to him explaining how much I meant to him just made me wanna cry. It felt amazing to know how he felt when he first saw me or what he thinks of me. All i wanted to do was hug him tight right then and there but i knew I couldn't.

How could I just console him out of nowhere while he was apologizing to me. At that moment I just thought that consoling him right now would be rude or insulting. Like if someone does wrong to you and they apologize but you start sympathizing with them it's an insult to their apology.

What they expect from us is forgiveness and not sympathy after all. I just give him a pat on his shoulder and tell him I understand but the fact that I'm still not ready to forgive them all i made that clear too. Jungkook said he understands but i could see the sadness in his eyes.

after that, well, things were a little awkward between us but we still tried to enjoy a few rides before coming back.


Namjoon exhaled wearily, closing his diary and placing it in the drawer. He had been emotionally and physically drained. Thoughts eluded him, feeling trapped in a labyrinth of emotions. Unsure of the right path, he understood the need for caution, aware that one misstep could harm not just himself but also those around him - BTS, GOT7, and even the ARMY.

He just couldn't risk taking a hasty step taken out of his emotions without thinking properly. He doesn't want to hurt anyone.

His gaze shifted towards the inviting softness of his bed, a tempting haven that beckoned him. However, conflicting with the desire for comfort, he resisted the urge to succumb to its embrace. Checking the clock, it displayed 11 PM, prompting a thoughtful pause. With a resolute nod, he glanced down at his feet, making the decision to stand. Determined, he reached for his jacket, mask, and hat - fully prepared for a nighttime stroll to untangle the web of his thoughts.

I slip my hands into my jacket pockets, lean against the walls, and simply gaze at the small, bright bulb on the ceiling in front of me.

An hour ago, Jungkook admitted to apologizing to Namjoon, and I feel proud of him. He has indeed matured significantly over time.

Yet, when he mentioned that Namjoon wasn't ready to forgive us, it really saddened me. I understand it's logical for Namjoon to take his time, but it's incredibly painful. I find myself staring at the bulb for a while before shifting my gaze to the painting just below it.

 I find myself staring at the bulb for a while before shifting my gaze to the painting just below it

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