20: You lost

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"Guess you won't get it back then."

I stared deadpanned at him. He was not being serious right now, was he?

"You shut up and give it to me. Now." I held my hand up in front of me towards Scaramouche. I could see that he cracked a smile that soon turned into a laugh. A loud laugh. I looked dumfounded at him as he laughed.

"I really can't take you serious when you speak like that. You won't get anywhere with asking nicely you know." He spoke after finishing laughing.

I sat back and leaned on the dark grey wall. I was never getting my notebook back. Some people thought that it was stupid, but for me, that notebook was like my diary, my thoughts.

"Fine." I got up to leave as I spoke and walked towards the door, but a hand stopped me. I turned around to be met by Scaramouche.

"Don't leave." He mumbled and pulled me down on the bed beside him. I looked at him while tilting my head to the side.

"Why if I may ask?"

"Just don't."

I moved my head to stare in front of me, and after that we both sat in silence. Our shoulders were ever so slightly touching, and I could hear his breathing right beside me. I turned my head towards him again. His hair was a bit messy, and it looked soft as it normally did.

Scaramouche turned his head to face me, but he soon changed his mind when he saw me already staring at him with my (E/C) eyes.

"It's rude to stare (Y/N)."

"It's rude not to speak with your guest." I snapped at him. He wanted me here, and yet he was the one refusing to speak with me.

"You followed me into my home." He spoke in a cold tone, but it just made my blood boil with anger and frustration. I was not going to loose this.

"You are not letting me leave."

"You asked me to get your notebook back." Scaramouche turned his head my direction.

"You said yes." This was so stupid, and I knew, so did he, and yet we both continued.

"You lost the notebook."

"You- You- Uhh- You-" I had already lost and Scaramouche could both see and hear that.

"You lost Stupid." He smirked at me. Well at least I had gotten him to speak with me.

"Don't act like I don't know that Shorty." I turned my eyes away from his dark purple ones.

"Don't call me Shorty."

"Don't call me Stupid then." Before I could contain my frustration and before I didn't let it show through my voice, but now it was dripping with anger and frustration.

"Sure." His smirk turned into a grin. I could clearly see that he did not mean a word he said. We both sat in silence as I cooled down, and Scaramouche was just being the annoying human being as always.

I started to get bored, and I stood up walking around in his room. Observing and remembering every detail. I mean, what else was there to do?

"What are you doing." He sighed and stood up. I could feel his presence behind me as I looked through his things that were splattered on his desk. I didn't answer him, just kept on picking up things and putting them down. I was being annoying, I know, but he deserved it.

"(Y/N) stop looking through my things." He grabbed my wrist,. I looked at his hand around my wrist, then up at him, then back at his hand. I ripped my hand away from his grasp and kept on pushing things to the side. The desk was filled up with papers stacked straight.

"(Y/N) I said stop." A pair of hands held on both sides of my waist and pulled away from the desk. I ended up bumping into something, or someone, right behind me.

"Oh my god chill out." I tried to get out of his hands, but he only held tighter.

"Listen I know I am gorgeous, handsome and somewhat kind, but just call me Scaramouche, I am no god." He smirked down at me.

I hated this. Hated that he held me so tight and close to his own body. Hated that I could feel his bodyheat. Hated that he was taller than me. Hated that I enjoyed it. I enjoyed every moment of it, and it was wrong, I should hate this man with my entire heart. I should be scared of him. But I weren't. And I hated that the most.

"Let go."

"You didn't listen the first many times I asked you to stop."

"You asked twice." I rolled my eyes.

"No, three times, and that was three times to many. you shouldn't even be here."

A knock could be heard on the wall, and more soon followed. It almost sounded like a pattern. Knock - pause - knock knock - pause - knock - pause - knock knock knock. Scaramouche's head turned towards he wall and I could clearly see that he was listening.

"Well I can't really leave can I? You won't let me." He still held me close, but he didn't move in anyway when I twisted myself free of his arms.

After I got out and turned around to face him, he still stood as if he held me in his arms.

"I'm gone you know." I giggled and jumped down in his bed. If I was going to stay here, I better get comfortable.

"You wanna stay for dinner?"

"What?" I sat up as quick as I and laid down. He wanted me to do what now?

"You heard me." He groaned and took a seat beside me. The bed shifted as I moved to sit on the edge of the bed in stead of the middle.

"Is this you pathetic way of asking me out." I smirked at him. He shook his head before responding.

"No. Plus didn't I already tell you not to fall for me? And now you hope that I ask you out?" My smirk faded and I could feel my face twitch into a frown.

"Never said that, just asked." I huffed and crossed my arms.

"But to answer you question. Then I wouldn't have anything against it." I gave a small smile and laid back down in his bed.

"Good because dinners ready in a couple minutes, Raiden just told me through the knocks."


Hello my dear reader.
I know it has been a while.
(Well four days)

this was kind of rushed so sorry if it is shitty as hell.



Notebook dreams //A Scaramouche x reader fanfic//Where stories live. Discover now