40: Moody

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I had my back turned to the door. After Scaramouche had left, again, I didn't have anything to do. I couldn't sleep the boredom away, and even if I fell asleep, then the nightmare would only tire me more out. I hadn't had a rest in days, and I was sure it could be seen.

The door opened up. I turned my head and a familiar girl peeked her head inside the room. Her white and black hair fell in front of her face. She opened the door fully and walked in with a plate of food. The same as before. Some fruit and one piece of bread. I had tried the bread last time, but it was dry as the Hypostyle Desert.

"Hi." My body turned back as it was before when she spoke. I heard the plate being placed down on the desk, as if I could ever get to eat it. Even if I was hungry, I couldn't walk.

"Do you want me to leave?" Finally a Harbinger with some decency. I thought for a while, but ended up shaking my head. I heard a sigh from behind me and the door closed.

My eyes was staring in the wall, right underneath the window. I let out a sigh just like the girl and sat up in the bed. The sun outside was high, it was probably around 1PM or so.

I focused on the tired girl staring at back me in the glass. Her eyes were half lidded, dark under-eyes, her hair was messy and makeup was all over her face.

My hand lifted from the bed and met with the glass. The girl over me did the same. A tear rolled down her cheek and fell. Her tear disappeared into nothing, but mine fell on the lap.

Another soon fell, and then another. The girl soon disappeared and the room was now my vision. The fruits was the same as last, the bread still looked dry and hard. What did they eat here?

Now that I thought more about it, I was maybe a little hungry, just maybe. I stared the fruit down. It was only my legs, well my arms a little too, that was tired. Maybe, just maybe, could I reach it from here. But what if there was a camera in the room, then everyone would see me. No privacy, they wouldn't do that, they have no reason to. Do they?

I held on the bed with one of my hands to stay up right, and the other hand I tried to reach the plate. It was on the edge of the desk towards me, so it was a possibility.

I reached my arm out as much as possible. I was not even an inch away, when a knock on the door could be heard. I quickly pulled my arm back as the door opened. I sat back down on the bed with my feet dangling over the edge.

"Hello (Y/N)." Dottore spoke and leaned against the door frame with his arms crossed. I squinted my eyes at him and gave a firm nod.

"No hi or hello back? Rude." Dottore might sound offended, but his face didn't say so.

"I am born rude."

"No one is born rude, it is scientifically proven that-"

"I don't care. What do you want." I interrupted. Dottore scowled before his expression changed. What t changed to, I couldn't put my finger on, but nothing good.


"Rude or Feisty, decide." I grumbled and pulled my legs in a lotus. Dottore grinned before stepping into the room completely and closing the door behind him.

"I have heard that you have nightmares, to be more specific, very realistic nightmares. Am I correct?"


"Am I?"

"Sure, let just say you are, why do you want to know?" Dottore uncrossed his arms and I crossed mine in respond.

"Curiosity. (Y/N) you know I am too old for high school right? That it was all just a facade, a lie. I already knew everything, and still do, there was no reason for me to be there, well there was, but know I just want to know more about your little, nightmares, for an experiment, that's all."

Notebook dreams //A Scaramouche x reader fanfic//Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora