Darcy and Anne

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After Anne and Darcy had their first kiss, Anne is drooling hardcore, she's blushing hardcore, she's sweating hardcore, she's a ginormous mess, she's a ginormous hot sweating blushing drooling mess, Darcy sees this and giggles, "Wow Anne, your a mess, Marcy would call that cute, we call it fun." Darcy said, Anne can't get up, Darcy picks Anne up and carries her to a bedroom, she plops Anne on the bed and lays down next to her, Darcy stares at Anne, she holds her hand, Darcy goes on top of Anne and kisses her again, Anne is now more blushed then ever, Anne wraps her arms around Darcy, She knows that Marcy is still there, she doesn't want to leave her side ever again, Darcy lays down next to Anne, Anne falls asleep in the bed, Darcy wraps her arms around Anne and pulls her twords her and rests Anne's head on her chest, "Good Night Anne, Love You." Darcy said, she kisses Anne's forehead and falls asleep, After 10 hours in bed, Anne wakes up and sees it's night time, she sees Darcy asleep, she hatches a plan in her head, she can now escape while Darcy is sleeping, she gets out of bed slowly, she's trying to not wake Darcy up, she opened the bedroom door slowly and escaped, Darcy wakes up and sees Anne isn't in bed, "You've gotta be kidding me." Darcy said, "I'm too tired." Darcy said, she climbed out of bed and went to go get Anne, Anne walks down the hall and tried to find the way out, she then opened doors slowly, she doesn't find the exit, she then hits something, it's Darcy, "Anne, why are you up so early, come back to bed." Darcy said, "I'm not coming back, your keeping me here against my will." Anne said, Darcy picks Anne up over her shoulder, "Time to go back to bed Anne." Darcy said, she walks back to the bedroom, "No!" Anne screamed, Anne tried to get out of Darcy's grip but she's too tired, they go back to bed, Anne tried to run but Darcy goes on top of her, "Anne, you better not escape or I'll do something that you'll remember forever." Darcy said, "Wait, what thing." Anne asked, Darcy smiles and showed her, she tells her, "Your all about romance, so, lets have some romance." Darcy said, Anne blushes hardcore, she going to have romance when she's 13 years old, but Darcy doesn't care.

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