Darcanne Romance

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Darcy smiles at Anne, Anne is sweating hardcore, Darcy smashed her lips into Anne's lips, Anne is now blushed, she tried to fight it but couldn't fight Marcy's lips, her lips were to soft and smooth, she gave in and closes her eyes, Darcy let's go of the kiss, she takes off her helmet and come, Anne sees Marcy's eyes are orange, Darcy takes her gauntlets off, her chest plate and her shirt off, Anne sees Darcy is in Marcy's bra, her pants and boots, Darcy kiss Anne, she takes Anne's chest plate off and her shirt, Anne is shirtless, Darcy smiles and takes Anne's shoes and socks off her feet, Darcy takes off Anne's bra and Marcy's bra, Darcy takes her boots, pants and underwear off, Anne is blushing hardcore, Darcy puts Anne's legs on her shoulders and grabs the top of Anne's skirt and underwear and pulls them down, she takes them off, Anne is blushing hardcore, she's naked and so is Darcy, Darcy kisses the side of Anne's thing, Anne let's out a quite moan, Darcy kisses Anne's right breast, she kisses Anne on the lips, she lifts Anne up and holds Anne's face, "Anne, are you enjoying this?" Darcy asked, Anne strokes Darcy's hair, "Marcy." Anne said, Darcy stopped, her eyes turn back to brown, "Oh Anne, I'm so sorry." Marcy said, she hugs Anne, Anne covers them up with the blankets, she wraps them around them, "Marcy, I Love You, I forgive you." Anne said, the two lay down and snuggled up next to each other, they cuddle each other, Anne puts her clothes back on and her chest plate on, Marcy puts the Darcy armor on and the cape on, they lay down and hug each other, "Anne, I'm sorry for everything, I'm so sorry for everything." Marcy said, "Marcy, I Forgive You." Anne said, they hold hands and reconciled with each other, they get up and spend time together.

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