Darcy's Second Optimization and Andrias' flashback

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After Anne and Darcy get to the throne room, The Invasion is going to happen, "Anne, I think I need an optimization again, I had my first one and now I want a second, I want to be ready." Darcy said, "Okay, Mar-Mar, I'll be hear when you wake up." Anne said, Darcy giggled, "Your going to be with me, were ever I am?" Darcy said giggling, "Yep." Anne said, Andrias comes back in, Andrias starts Darcy's second optimization, she lays on the red pillow, Darcy optimizes, Anne lays next to Darcy, she wraps her arms around Darcy's waist and holds her hand, Young Love, Anne falls asleep next to Darcy, Anne cuddles her cute adorable love, Anne falls asleep with Darcy next to her, Andrias smiles at this, he flashbacks to the day he met Marcy.

Andrias' flashback...

Andrias was sitting on his throne with his pajamas on with his coffee cup reading his newspaper, he hears a voice through the doors, "Come on, Lady Olivia, there's a whole castle for me to explore." Marcy said, Lady Olivia came run to her side, she sees Andrias' on his throne, Andrias can't believe what he's seeing, "King Andrias, I present to you the creature known as Marcy Wu." Olivia said, "So your king of Newtopia, man your huge, Andrias, huh, can I call you Drais?" Marcy asked, "Only one person ever called me that." Andrias said, "Oh right, boundaries Marcy." Marcy said, "You know I can fit in your pocket." Marcy said, "What?" Olivia said, nervously, "Here we go, oopse daisy, nailed it, ohh I just thought of something, a little gift for the king of Newtopia, I hope you like it." Marcy said, she climbed Andrias, and gave him the pin, Olivia was worried that Marcy made him mad, but Andrias stated laughing, he picks Marcy out of his pocket, "Indeed I do little master Marcy." Andrias said, "Master, I'm a master, OMG, Anne and Sasha will never believe this." Marcy said, she falls out if Andrias' palm, but he grabs her, "Ohh, speaking in my friends, have you seen them, I gotta make sure that their okay." Marcy said, "We haven't, but we are looking, in the meantime, you'll be our honored guest here, Lady Olivia will show you to your quarters." Andrias said, puting Marcy down, "This way, Master Marcy." Lady Olivia said, "Okie Doki, Bye King Andrias." Marcy said waving at Andrias. After they left, Andrias touches the pin, The Core comes and tells Andrias to kill her, "Kill her, now, but we still don't know where the box is." Andrias told The Core, "It's true the Olm Prophecy makes keeping her alive risky, but My Lord, she's just a child, perhaps all of this is overblown." Andrias said, The Core asked what he proposed, "What do I proposed?" Andrias said, "In studying the ancient writings, it appears there's a ritual that allows these chosen heros to give up their abilities and the responsibilities that comes with them." Andrias said, "Why not befriend this Marcy and lure her friends here, will siphon their powers, neutralize the prophecy-" Andrias was cut off, "And restore our families legacy in one, fill swoop." Aldrich said, Andrias turns around to see his late father, "Well, done Andrias." Aldrich said, he gets dragged into the darkness.

Andrias' flashback ends...

Andrias is depressed, he knows this isn't right, but he's forced to do this, he turns to Darcy, they finished the optimization, Darcy turns Darcy on, Anne wakes up, "Uhh... I definitely needed that, Anne did you really not leave my side?" Darcy asked, "I don't want to leave you, besides, your so cute when you sleep." Anne said, she kisses Darcy on the cheek, "Anne, that tickles." Darcy said, "No it doesn't, this does." Anne said, she started tickling Darcy, Darcy started laughing, "Ahahaha! No!" Darcy said, "Tickle, Tickle, Tickle!" Anne said in a high voice, "Anne, stop." Darcy said, laughing, "Never, I'm the tickle monster, I never stop!" Anne said, Anne stops, Darcy stopped laughing, Anne hugs Darcy, "I Love You Marcy." Anne said, "I Love You Too Anne." Darcy said, they hug and shared a kiss and hold hands, they sit on the throne, the invasion begins now.

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