Tikki and Plagg's big forms

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With the heroes......

They're so bored with no newcomers

Savy is having tea while SkekSo is here visiting the heroes*

Tigs: So what else does the kwamis do?

SkekSo: Well I haven't told you this but they can grow big like Flitter and Fangg.

Savy: So Tikki and Plagg can do their big forms.

SkekSo: Yes they can.

Smarty- Then how come they haven't done that when they got kidnapped ?!

Arabella- See ?! He's smart enough to get it !

SkekSo: Their big forms must not be revealed, we feared their big forms would be kinda out of control.

Arabella- Well tha tcould have helped before I got turned into a rabbit !!

SkekSo looks at Tikki and Plagg*

SkekSo: Show them your big forms.

Plagg: Oh boy. Do we have to?

SkekSo: Yes.

Tikki and Plagg closed their eyes and began to glow and grow big*

They're amazed.

Smarty- I hate to be that person but you could have done that so YOU WOULDNT HAVE GOTTEN KIDNAPPED BY VOID !!!!

Tikki and Plagg transform into their big forms*

Plargue: *normal human voice* Yeah but our big forms may have gotten a little out of control.

Arabella- Doesn't hurt to defend yourselves. No wonder why Flitter snapped at you guys

Savy: Wow! Your voice is amazing!

Takki: *pretty human voice* Thanks Savy.

Arabella rolls her eyes as she holds flitter

Flitter's eyes sparkled*

Fangg: No way....

Arabella- Eh. I seen better.

They looked.

SkekSo: The reason we don't let them use their big forms because they will turn into Gimmi.

Savy: Wait, I thought they can turn into Plikki?

SkekSo: Plikki is the smaller version who will grant a wish but it can't decide what the person will give up something. But Gimmi is the bigger version to grant a wish, but it requires what to sacrifice, even if it means your life.

Arabella gasped*

Smarty- And AGAIN--- It wouldn't have been akumatized if THESE TWO learned how to fight like Flitter and Fangg !

Tikki and Plagg turned back to normal*

Savy holds his arm: Sweetie, it's okay, it won't happen again.

Arabella- Actually you don't know that. But I SWEAR if these two helpless bugs get captured and don't fight and if you die ONE HUNDREDTH time like Kenny McCormick I'm gonna whip the three of your asses !

Malikai hugs her close: Sis, calm down.

SkekSo: Arabella, the kwamis can't use their powers without a holder to control them.

Malikai: Why not?

SkekSo: Do you know how the seven continents split up?

Smarty- No

Plagg raised his hand*

Smarty- Yeah

Plagg- I was the one who split up Pangaea.

Arabella is horrified by the truth

Arabella- No , no ! You said the continents split up after the dinosaurs died from the asteroids ! You big liars !!

Morty: Sis calm down.

Tikki: This is why we can't use our powers without an owner.

Plagg: Hey they dinosaurs did something bad, and I had to do something.

Arabella- No ! Your lying ! That's not true ! Nooooooooooooooo !!!

She turns to run away only ending up tripping

Morty facepalms*

SkekSo sighed: Now do you heroes see? If the kwamis fight back without an owner to hold them, it will cause a disaster, Like Pollen for example if she used Venom on someone, the person will be stuck for 1 year, and for Kaalki if she use portal something else will be teleported to another place.

Arabella cries on the floor

Arabella-( Cries) I hate you , I hate you ! Liars ! Liars All of you are liars ! BIG FAT LIARS !!!

Malikai: I'll comfort her. *went to her*

Smarty didn't realize the consequences of the kwamis using their powers without an owner, he felt bad*

Savy: Honey, are you okay?

Smarty- Now I already feel bad....

Plagg hugs him: Don't be sad master, we're not mad at you, we understand.

Smarty- I didn't know......

He snuggles him.

Arabella still cries

Malikai hugs her close, he sings her a lullaby*

Arabella whimpers

Malikai: There there....

Arabella- Everyone's been lying to me....

Malikai: Hey, the truth hurts sometimes sis.

Arabella- I don't like being lied too....... I thought you and I were best sibling puppy wuppy baby seal friends.... But I guess I was wrong...

Malikai: Hey, don't say that... *holds little Mikey* Little Mikey wants you to be happy, not sad.

Arabella looks

Malikai holds doll: *little Mikey's voice* Don't be sad Arabella, how about some raspberries on your belly to cheer you up? *Uses the doll to blow raspberries on her belly*

Arabella screams and bursts into giggles

Malikai chuckles*

Arabella snuggles them

Arabella- I wuv u baby seal bro and little Mikey !!

Malikai chuckles: I wuv you too baby sister.

But the Weaselings and the Savy's siblings groan all bored

Issac: So bored....

Lexy- We haven't had a new person in forever !

Beige and his siblings came*

Beige: Hey guys.

Arabella- Spiders !

Charlie hugs Beige scared*

Arabella giggles

Arabella- Just kidding. I'm not scared of spiders unless it's a monster one

Razoff: I see.

Larimar: How are you guys?

Smarty- Okay. You guys ?

King Shark: Doing dandy.

Beige: I'm visiting Megamind later, I heard his wife is pregnant.

Smarty- Hate to be a bummer. But we're not a enthusiastic about this.

Beige: I see.

Savy pets Misha and Mr. Kat*

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