Why kwamis can't use their powers

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Back in college, they're on lunch break*

Tito: *Laughs* And there is this hilarious video that made me laugh! Look at this! *shows them*

They laighed

Paddy: Hilarious!

Blitzo appears

Jenny- Huh

Dice: Hey Maisie it's your dad.

Maisie: What? *looks*

Blitzo- Hey honey...

Maisie: Dad why are you here? College isn't over yet.

Blitzo hugs her*

Maisie: Oh!

He tears up

Maisie: Dad, why are you hugging me?

Blitzo- I love you honey

Maisie listens*

Muskrat: Hey we're going to next class soon so-

Blitzo hissed protectively"

Jenny laughs

Blitzo: Don't you hurt her you little anal fisher!

Maisie: Dad, your kinda squishing me.

Tito- Senor it's okay we understand

Maisie feels kinda embarrassed*

Blitzo: I saw Maisie's past and I want to protect her.

Tito, Dice, and Goggles are shocked

Shorty: Oh boy.

With the Cocoonites...

They went to the space ship*

Doranana Okay here we go

Then a cute male golden retreiver Cocoonite in a nice blue shirt and blue skinny jeans stop them. His name is Fetch

Fetch Okay okay what are you girls doing ?

Amber: We're going to Earth mister sheriff.

Fetch- Earth ?! You're interspace travelling ?!

Dolly: Don't be such a sour trout, we're going to see what Earth is like.

Fetch- But isn't it illegal ?!

Doranana: We are just going to meet the heroes.

Fetch- What ?!

Amber: Com'on Earth won't be so bad, so are you coming or not sheriff?

Fetch grumbles

Fetch- Fine ! But this isn't a legal act or permission !

Doranana: Chill out, just one visit to Earth and we'll come back here.

Fetch grumbles and got on the ship*

Back at Toon patrol hq, the kwamis are playing*

Savy: So why didn't you use your powers if you did got captured?

Sass: It's against the rules of kwamis, if we use our powers, there might be a consequence without a holder to control our power.

Xuppu: It's like how I used my power once, the buildings are made of candy and there are dinosaurs with party hats on

Crystal- No wonder why they don't like helpless people

Trixx: It's true.

Roarr: Last time I used my power, I nearly hurt someone....

Flitter- I cant use mine because it will signal Mothra and she'll think someone has captured me and will cause a hurricane with her wings.

Fangg: Yeah, last time I used my power, I made a dark fog that almost covered the world.

Flitter- Yeah. Mothra may be a nice monster but unless something happens to be her , or if someone doesn't do anything to save their planet priestess she'll declare war on the world

Savy: Oh.

Greasy: So that's why.

Sass: So this is why we can't use our powers, unless if it's an emergency, it must be permissioned by our owners.

Flappy snoozes

Fangg sees Flappy and Stellaluna sleep*

But then Flappy wakes up feeling hungry and he chirps at his parents

Fangg: Looks like our babies are hungry.

Flitter- (looks to Trixx ) Uh huh

Flappy chirps he's hungry

Flitter-( Not paying attention ) Get a job

Fangg came to Flappy: Come son, I'll get you some strawberries. *flies to the kitchen with Flappy*

Flappy knows his mom is playing and giggles.

Stellaluna wakes up

Flitter looks

Stellaluna snuggles her*

Flitter smiled and snuggles her back

Flitter- Awwww my baby~ 

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