Meet Wonder woman

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Time skip...

They're in a private room

Selene- What the HELL was that ?!

Croco: About Kitten?

Selene- Who else?!

Croco: No one else! Just Kitten! Honest!

Selene- You screwed with her ?

Croco: No! Of course not she's nuts!

Selene- Then why we're you dating that spoiled brat ?!

Croco: Her father FORCED me.

Selene- I don't care !

Croco- I didn't know what to do !

Selene- Oh I don't know ! Stand your ground ! Reject her ! Say NO FOR A GODSAMNED CHANGE ?!

Croco: Look if I say no he would hurt my little brother!

Selene- So you did nothing !

Croco- I'm sorry I was just trying to help my brother

Selene- Yeah well YOU DIDN'T !!!

Maisie secretly listens*

Croco: Look I don't want my little brother to be killed like his father or mother!

Selene is shocked*

Selene- You know what.... Since you want to keep secrets from me....

Croco- Baby , listen--

Selene- Don't touch me ! DONT FUCKING TOUCH ME !!!

Croco is shocked*

Selene- Was this before or after I left ?

He looks away. She glared fiery

Selene-TELL ME !!

Croco: No, it was before I met you.

Selene- But you kept it a secret from me anyway. You know I HATE that brat ! And you're too damned WEAK to stop her ! Which is why you got your hands reached !!

Croco is sad: Fine... dump me if you want, I'm outta here, *as he walks away*

Selene- Fine ! I don't need you anyway

She leaves

Jimmy: Croco where are you going?

Croco: Back to Gotham were I belong.

Gorgona stopped him with her tail

Gorgona- Don't be dramatic now , what happened

Croco: Kitten that's what happened...

Gorgona- Not making sense here

Croco: Now let me go I need to go to Gotham to see my little brother.

Gorgona- Hon. You're seriously not going back , leaving me

Croco: If you want then come with me.... You don't know where my little brother came from when we get there.

Gorgona- Alright..... But we're going back later...

She leaves with him before Selene comes out angry

Maisie: Selene? What happened?

Selene- NONE of your business , so stay out of it

Maisie looks at Doranana and her friends: So are you guys ready to go home or still want to explore?

Doranana- Oh no ! I want to see more of this place !!!!

Wonder woman and the mythical kwamisWhere stories live. Discover now