Koro meets Dark Matter siblings and meet Sweetheart

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With Dark Matter and her siblings...

Dark Matter and her siblings watched the babies play*

Elim- So... On earth I heard some golden octopus looking mutant blew up half the moon

Dark Matter holds Cyborea: Oh dear.

Elim- Yep. Look.

He shows the moon

Mordred: Damn!

Elim- tries to search for the mutant until a yellow hand helps him search the tablet

???- If you go on Wiki , you can find me here

He presses it

They jumped*

Elim- Huh ? What the ?

They look and see Koro waving to them

Snide: Hey!

Erazor: How did you find us?!

Koro- Your weasel friends told me~~~~

Turkie: Damn it!

Koro-( Giggles ) Relax I'm not going to blow you guys up , that was 7 years ago ~

Delirium: Yikes!

Koro- I am an Unkillable being !

Snide- oh yeah ? Take this !

He zooms at him but Koro disappeared faster

Snide: Huh?!

Koro appeared behind him giggling

Snide: Okay, let's see you deal with my speed! *speeds at him to slash him*

Koro easily stopped him by grabbing his sword

Snide: Huh?!

Grievous: What the heck?!

Koro removes the sword.

Koro- In case you haven't noticed I don't want to hurt you. But you're making this harder than it needs to be for yourself....

Snide: Okay that was cheating!

Koro- It's not cheating if you're not letting your pride get the best of you.

They're shocked by the calm roast

Dark Matter: Wow.

Shadow Phoenix: You must be faster than Sonic.

Koro- Well you can say it's... Equally even.

The girls see him and fangirl

Darkyubi: No way....

Roxanne- Omg ! I love your show !

Europa- You're so cute up in person !

Azaria Yeah !

Hearing those compliments from the girls his body turns pink

Snide: Hey, don't look at them you pervert!

He giggles.

Azaria- Honey don't be jealous because We are finally meeting Koro Sensei

Snide crosses his arms: I'm not jealous, I'm being protective

Koro giggles and turned yellow

Koro- It was nice meeting you all. Now if you'll excuse me , I have to leave to see my love *he zoomed off*

All- Wow !!

With the Weaswlings....

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