And so it began..

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~ Lilianas POV ~

I had just left the doctors office and I didn't know what to think, I'm happy mostly but there is also this part of me that feels sad because I know that I'm probably going to retire out of the Marine Corps. I still don't know what I'm going to do about it. I look down at my stomach with tears in my eyes and the biggest smile on my face and say "You my little dove, are going to be the most loved baby in the whole world. Your daddy and I are so excited to meet you. With all of the aunts and uncles you have I know you'll always be protected." I then think to myself if I want to tell Nick yet or wait until I go to the OBGYN, I think I'll wait until I have a picture of my little dove.

I walked into work 30 minutes after my appointment and I was immediately bombarded with questions from Nick "Are you ok? Is something wrong? What's wrong Lils you're scaring me?" I could only quietly chuckle to myself and think "if only you knew Nick, if only you knew". I told him everything was fine and that there was nothing to worry about, he didn't believe me but dropped the subject once he noticed I wasn't going to go into detail.

~ Time skip 1 month ~

I was sitting in my office when my phone started ringing, I looked at the caller id and was genuinely shocked at who was calling me.

Bold- Lilliana

Italics- other person

"Sergeant Major Torres speaking"

"Well hello my favorite American, long time no speak"

"Ahhh my favorite Scottsman, to what do I owe the pleasure?"

"I'll cut the shit because I know you don't like it, we need your help. Simon hasn't been doing to well lately and you're the only one who knows how to crack him. He won't even talk to me and the only three words he spoke were "I need Reaper" so here I am calling you"

" John, where are you guys?"

" Las Almas, Mexico. We're here helping the Los Vaqueros, we really need your help Lilli"

"Johnny, I really wish I could but I'm pregnant. I'm not going to fight knowing I could put my baby in harms way. I'll tell you what, I will come down but I will not be fighting"

" HOLY FUCK! CONGRATULATIONS! How did the hubby take it"

" I haven't told him yet because I haven't had the right moment to. But anyways, i'll see you at 19 hundred hours John"

" Thank you so much Reaper, it will mean a lot to him and us"

"Oh and John?"

"Yes Reaper?"

"You tell a fucking soul I'm coming and I'm pregnant I'll rip your balls off and force them down your throat"

" Message received loud and clear Sgt. Major. See you when you get here"

" See you then John"

The line went dead as I hung up the phone, it started to set in that I'm going to see my old squad again. These boys were under my command before I lost my last team to Amaadi. I've known them all and have watched them become who they are now. But the one person who I was the closest with was Simon, he came to me and he was a shell of who he was before. I was able to crack his walls just as he cracked mine, Underneath all the rugged British macho-ness was a man who wanted to be accepted, to be loved, and most importantly he wanted to have a family. I know all about Simons past just as he knows mine, sure I didn't have it nearly as bad as he but it was still horrible. Not even Nick knows half of the shit I went through.

I immediately called the General and let him know where I was going incase something were to happen. After I got off the phone with him I walked over to my closet in the corner of my office and opened the doors "Well hello there beautiful" I said pulling out my 141 tactical gear. I then looked in further and saw my mask that brought back so many memories. I pulled it all out and began to change into it, I wasn't going to put my mask on just yet.

Her gear 👇🏻

After I had gotten changed I walked downstairs into the bullpen where everyone was working on a new case

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After I had gotten changed I walked downstairs into the bullpen where everyone was working on a new case. I said to them "I will be leaving for a few days on Military business, I cannot disclose where I am going but just know I'm safe. I'll see you all when I get back". I walked over to Nick and hugged and kissed him goodbye, at this point he knew not to ask questions. I left the building and made my way to the airport, where General Adams had gotten me a ride to Las Almas. I put my mask on before I got out of the car, so that way my identity would stay hidden although they knew who I was. I saw a Sergeant standing just before the doors of the plane and once he saw me he flinched a bit and I could see fear flash in his eyes before it was gone "Reaper, it's an honor to see you and to fly with you". I just looked at him, nodded my head, and continued my way into the plane.

~ Time skip a few hours~

The whole way there the only two things running through my mind were my unborn child and just how bad was Simon? I was about to find out as we had just landed and the doors to the plane opened, I loaded up my gear and picked my rifle up and walked out of the plane where I was greeted with John and a man I had known for a long time. "John! Alejandro! Good to see you hermanos!" I said to them, they both smiled at me and hugged me, Alejandro said "Good to see you too hermana! Are you ready to see him?" I took a deep breath and said "Yes, where is he?". They both looked at me like I had grown a few heads as I should have known where he would be. "Right, I'll catch up with you guys in a bit. I'm gonna go find him" I knew my way around the base as I had been here a few years ago when I was helping Ale and his team. I walked right to his room where I knew he would be and I knocked on the door. He didn't respond so I knocked again and still no response, so I did what any best friend/sister would do and walked right in. He was sitting on his bed, head in his hands and hunched over, I had never seen him not react. Something was seriously wrong, I walked over to him slowly to see if he would look up and he didn't. I walked over to where I was standing in front of him and crouched down to his eye level. I reached my hand up and brought it to his face to cup his cheek "Simon" I said and he snapped his head up to meet my eyes. I have never seen him so vulnerable, not even when he was telling me about his family. He looked at me with tears in his eyes "Lily? Is that really you?" he croaked. My heart shattered when I heard his voice break, "Hey big guy, I heard you were asking for me" he flung himself at me and hugged me so tight I was worried about my baby being squished. "So Si, tell me what's going on"

~ Authors note~

Hello my lovelies! It has been a while, I have been so busy! I wanted to know what you all think of this chapter, I've been super obsessed with COD lately and wanted to incorporate them into the book somehow. I'm not sure how I feel about this chapter yet. I apologize for any grammar or spelling mistakes, I wrote this after I got home from a 12 hour shift. As always I do not own any COD characters or NCIS characters just my own. Please give me some feedback as it would be much appreciated! I don't know how many more chapters there will be after this but I do know I want to finish the tale of Lilly and Nick.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2023 ⏰

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