Back story

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Liliana Marie Shepard was never a quiet person, she was always that outgoing girl everyone loved to be around. She met the love of her life when she was in 6th grade and they became fast friends, they started dating when they were 16 and quickly realized that they did in fact love each other. It was no surprise when they announced that they were dating, everyone around them could see that they liked each other for a while but no one said anything. As graduation time came around her boyfriend decided to go to college but Lili went a different route, she went Marines. Right after she graduated boot camp she got deployed to Afghanistan for 11 months, while she was there she saw some things she wished she didn't. When she came home her boyfriend was waiting for her, but he could tell she was a changed person. She was more closed off and no matter what he tried she wouldn't tell him anything. After a while she was slowly coming around, she started to tell him bits and pieces of what happened and what she saw over there. He decided to take their relationship to the next level and propose to her, she of course was so excited and said yes and he also asked her to move in with him. They got married 4 months later as they couldn't wait to start their lives together, after her husband graduated college he was offered a position he couldn't turn down. Lili had just got promoted to the rank of Sergeant and she got transferred to Quantico but she wasn't so thrilled about it because she would be away from her husband. She had no choice but to move down there, they had promised each other that they would talk on the phone as much as possible and visit one another as often as they could. While she was down there she was offered a position in NCIS, so she took it and went through all of the necessary training that was needed and in no time she was a field agent all the while she was still a Marine first. Her husband had now been moved across the country for assignment and she had gotten promoted to Staff Sergeant. Skip forward 8 years, Lili is now the Director at NCIS, she has been for the last 3 years, she is also Sergeant Major of The United States Marine Corps. A lot has changed in those 8 years Tony left, Ziva died, and they got two new field agents, Ellie Bishop and Nick Torres. Lili and Torres have a special connection and some know why and some don't but it's pretty obvious for a couple reasons: 1. Same last name 2. They arrive to work every day together 3. They leave work together. If you haven't already guessed, Nick is Lili's husband. This is the story of Mr. & Mrs. Nick and Liliana Torres.

~Authors Note~

Hey everyone! I just wanted to let you all know that this will not be based on the show, I have made up plans for this book. If there are grammar mistakes or anything else that is wrong I apologize in advance. This is my very first book I've been reading Wattpad for a couple of years but never wrote anything. Hope you all enjoy! I should have an actual chapter posted within the next few days.

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