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~ Liliana's POV~

It seemed as though time completely stopped and the wind was knocked right out of my body. I just stood there and tried to regain my breath, when I finally did I walked over to General Adams. "Sir? why is Amaadis' picture on the screen? I thought we got rid of him?" he sighed and looked at me "Good afternoon Sergeant Major, we have received intel that he has captured one of our men while they were out patrolling and they hit an IED. We thought we got rid of him too but apparently he's still alive. Now I know this is going to be hard because of what happened to you, but I need you to focus on the task at hand and help us get rid of this bastard once and for all". I didn't say anything for a couple of seconds due to thinking about the torture that bastard had put me through. "let's take this scumbag down once and for all, let's bring our man home. Who are you sending over there Sir?" he immediately responded with "Our Bravo team, since you and the Alpha team just got back and you're done with missions I have my full trust in them. Liliana, I truly am sorry for what he put you through. Being ambushed is one thing but being held as a Prisoner of War is a whole other level, I understand why you want nothing to do with going over there any more." His hand was on my shoulder giving it a comforting squeeze, I have always looked up to this man. He was always at my side the instant something happened, whether it was work related or personal he was always someone I could count on. He and my mother were great friends before she passed away. Shaking my head clear of those thoughts I responded with "I like that idea. Let's hope this is a quick job, he needs to be extracted within the next 96 hours. I know how Amaadi works, he's not going to stop beating him until he breaks. He's restless when it comes to that kind of stuff. They need to go in there and find Corporal Herrington before then, they need to get him to safety as soon as possible, then finish Amaadi." he was staring intently at me as I spoke, he nodded his head "That sounds like a solid plan, I'll let Bravo team know" he said, I nodded my head and stared at the screen.


June 30th, 2013. Somewhere in the desert of Afghanistan

We had just went on patrol and were driving back to base when we were ambushed and surrounded from all sides. We started shooting at them but they pulled out an RPG and aimed it at my truck "Everybody out of the fucking truck now! Move your asses!" just as I had said that they fired the missile and it struck my unit, I flew about a good twenty feet away from the truck and had some pretty serious burns and wounds. I sat up as best as I could and saw my whole squad dead laying around the Hum-v, I tried screaming for them to get up but I only drew attention to myself as the men came over to me and put a plastic bag over my head and tied my hands and legs up so I couldn't move. I moved around and even tried kicking one of them in the balls but all that got me was a butt of a gun to the head.

I remember waking up to the sound of men talking in the foreign language, I only knew some of it as I have been here before. The conversation stopped when they noticed I was awake and trying to move around, one of them roughly pulled the bag off my head. I squinted my eyes trying to get used to the light, I then looked up at the men and laughed. They didn't seem to like that very much as the one to the left punched me right in the jaw, I looked back at him and spit blood from my mouth onto his face. I was hanging from the ceiling by my wrists and my feet were just barely touching the ground. The guy I had spit on pulled out a leather whip and walked around to my back and started pelting me with it. It hurt so much and I wanted to scream and cry but I could not let them see any signs of weakness, so I just hung there and took it.

Eventually the leader came in and told the other two to leave, he looked at me and chuckled "Look at this wanna be tough girl, I'm surprised you took that. Most don't last past the second crack and they're screaming and begging for mercy." I looked up at him and said "I'm not some average girl, I'm a Marine. I can take it, is that all you got fuckhead?" he didn't like the fuckhead comment too well, he started kicking my ribs and my back where there was fresh blood and charred flesh.

Flashback over

I rolled my shoulders and instinctively rubbed my semi burnt hand, I looked over at General Adams who was looking at me with concern all over his well aged face. "Are you alright Lili? You spaced out for ten minutes and weren't paying attention. Go back to headquarters, we have got this under control. I'll keep you updated I promise" I went to protest but stopped when I saw the look he was giving me. I nodded my head and hugged him before I left. When I got out to my car I immediately called Nick "Special Agent Torres" he answered "Nick meet me in my office when I get back, I need to discuss something with you" he paused for a second before answering with "is everything ok? what happened?" I sighed and said "we'll talk when I get there, just meet me in my office please?". he responded with "okay, I love you" I couldn't help but smile and say "I love you too". The ride back to HQ felt so quick, the conversation I'm about to have weighing heavy on my mind.

As I walked into the building I couldn't help but feel nervous and anxious. I walked into my office and saw Nick sitting in there, as soon as he saw me he got up and hugged me and kissed my forehead sensing something is bothering me. He let go and I walked over to my desk and sat in my chair "Nick I've been thinking about how to approach this conversation for a while now. I still don't know how to exactly say it" I saw his face become really worried probably thinking it has something to do with us. "Babe what's going on? You're freaking me out here" I sighed and said "Nick I'm not breaking up with you if that's what you were thinking, it has nothing to do with that. Nick after I went to that meeting at the Pentagon It got me thinking, I want to retire out of the Marines" his jaw dropped to the floor staring at me wide eyed "Lili, are you sure this is what you want? You've spent almost half your life trying to get to the point you're at now" I sighed and looked him dead in the eyes "Nick I've been thinking about it for years, we aren't getting any younger and we've both wanted a family. I want to try to start one Nick. It's something we both want. So what I'm saying is, do you want to have a baby?"

WOW what an ending, sorry it's so long when I start writing I can't stop. What do you think Nick is going to say?

I've Missed You -Nick Torres NCIS [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now