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The sound of my alarm startles me and I jump when I hear it. I check the time.

5:30 am.

"Ugh. Of course I had to be woken up when I get the most comfortable." (RELATABLE BAHAHA) I turn off my alarm and get out of bed. I grab my uniform from my closet and walk to the bathroom. I turn on the shower and get in.

Once I get out of the shower, I put my uniform.

"It fits perfectly. How? I didn't even tell them my size.. Oh well."

I brush my teeth, fix my hair and walk out to the kitchen. I check the time again.

6:07 am.

My shift starts at 8:30... I think to myself.

I walk into the living room and turn on the TV. I change the channel to the news and walk back into the kitchen. I make some toast and go back out to the living room. I sit on the couch and watch tv. Once its 8:00, I start leaving.

Since I didn't have any money, I don't have a car. Which, means I have to walk. I pull up the directions on my phone and shut the front door. I'm more aware of my surroundings this time. So I shouldn't run into a tree.

I eventually make it to the coffee shop and check the time.

8:27 am.

"3 minutes to spare." I say aloud.

I walk in and find the guy that interviewed me yesterday.

"Hiii!! I'm here for my shift!"

"Oh. You're back."

—- "the guy's" pov

This kid is so weird. Probably a kitten. Bozo. He takes it way too seriously. I really hope he knows how stupid he makes himself look. Whatever. I roll my eyes. He'll figure it out eventually.

—- chuuya's pov

"Hello?" I ask, noticing the man went silent and wasn't responding to me.

"Oh. My apologies. Just thinking. Wait here."

Sigh. They make me do a lot of waiting...

He comes back.

"He's not here yet. If you remember where your office is, you can go wait there and I'll tell him where to go. If not just wait here."

"Uhh- who?"

"You'll see." The man sighs as he walks away.


I think I remember where my office is so I try to make my way to it. I eventually find the door with my name on it and walk in.

"Huh? Why does it look so different from when that guy gave me a tour?"

I check the name on the door to make sure I didn't get the wrong room. I go through every question carefully.


Nope. Definitely my room.

"Oh well."

I notice that the walls are really bare. For some reason I have a bed. There's a desk with a two screen computer. On the side of the room parallel to the desk, there was a counter with a sink, a coffee maker, and other things found on counters.

A few minutes later, a very tall man walks in. He's a little bit more on the slim side but holy **** he was fine. He had brown hair that hung down in his face and brown eyes.

"Hey!! You're the guy that laughed at me when I ran into the front desk thing yesterday!!! What do you want?!?" I exclaimed.

The man just laughed.

"Huh?!?" I asked.

"I'm Dazai, but you can call me whatever you want. I'll be helping you with work until you get the hang of it."



"-and this is how the espresso machine wor- are you even paying attention?"


I didn't even noticed that he was talking. I was busy admiring the way he moved. The way he talked. The way he looked.

God he's beautiful.

"Oh- yeah. Sorry."

"Mhm.. So show me how this works." Dazai pointed to the machine infront of me.

"Uhhh- heh." I scratched my neck.

"This is going to be a long day." I heard Dazai mutter under his breath.

He continues to teach me about coffee, how to make it, and how to use the machines. I was able to pay a little bit more attention, but I tried to stay as close as possible to him. He smelled good. Like coffee and expensive cologne.

He told me that until I was able to pass a test, I wouldn't be able to serve any customers. He told me that the "test" would be him ordering 10 drinks in 4-5 minutes and if I successfully completed all of the orders with no mistakes within the time limit I would pass. I knew it would take time but I didn't care. Because I would be making money anyway.

At the end of my shift, I had learned a bunch of different ways to make coffee, which I would probably forget tomorrow. I pull up directions to the nearest convenience shop and go there to grab some ramen or something for dinner.

Once I make it to the shop, I can't find the ramen. I find the nearest person. It's a tall lady that looks like she could be a model.

"Uh- Excuse me? Where can I find ramen?"

She points to an isle and I bow, thanking her. I go to the isle and when I make it there, I see Dazai.

"Hah! Funny seeing you here!" I say awkwardly. He smiles and strikes up a conversation. After about 15 minutes of talking in the RAMEN SECTION of a convenience store, he says he has to leave. Once he leaves, I blush hard and take the cash that I had in my pocket out.

About 170 yen.

This should be enough to buy me ramen for the next few days. I think to myself.

I grab 4 little container things of ramen and go to the checkout. I put all my cash on the counter along with the ramen. The lady at the checkout puts my ramen in a bag and hands me my change. Once I walk out of the store, I find directions and walk back to my apartment.

I make my ramen and eat it before trying to read a book. But I can't focus. All I can think about is Dazai.

"UGH! Stop it Chuuya! Bad kitty!! You just met him!! And he's not your master!! DON'T FALL FOR HIM!!!" I slap myself for thinking such things.

I decide to just watched tv until it's time for me to go to sleep. When I get into bed, I pretend Dazai is tucking me in. I know I shouldn't but I can't help it.

As I start falling asleep, I think of something.

I'll see if I can get over him in a week. If I cannot I will see if distancing myself makes me get over him.

Word Count - 1148

Not a ton of soukoku in these first few chapters sorry😭😭I didn't really know what to write in this chapter if you couldn't tell.. I promise I'll get there!! Be ready for next chapter because I have something in mind!😈


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