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---- Dazai POV.

I wake up the next morning. My phone is on 1%, but my music is still playing. I call my boss and tell him that I'm taking the day off. I would never be able to face Chuuya after yesterday. I decided that I would just sit in bed all day and try to get over him.

— Chuuya POV:

I wake up for work a little bit later than I usually do. I make it to work on time and about halfway through my shift, I realized that Dazai wasn't here. I asked around and no one knew where he was. I eventually made my way to my boss's office. I heard voices coming from inside.

Knok knok knok

"Come in." Someone said from inside. I opened the door and stepped in.

"Hello, Fukuzawa-san," I bowed upon my entrance. When I stood straight, I noticed Mori standing in the corner. "Mori-san." I bowed again.


"Chuuya," Fukuzawa began, "What brings you here?"

"I was just wondering if you knew where Dazai is? He isn't here and his shift started awhile ago." I said and Fukuzawa nodded.

"Dazai took off today. I'm not sure why, but he did seem upset."

I gasped, thanked Fukuzawa and left his office.

Third person POV:

As Chuuya shut the door behind him, he looked around to see if he could see Kunikida. He needed to talk to Dazai and the only way would be over text. If there was anywhere he could get Dazai's number, it would be from Kunikida.

After walking around for a few minutes, he found Kunikida.

"KUNIKIDA!!" He waved his arms.

KUnikida froze and looked at CHuuya with wide eyes.

"Um- Can I help you?"

"D-do you have Dazai's number?" Chuuya asked before making a cry sound like that of a cat.

"Yes..." He raised an eyebrow. "Why.?"

"Can I have it? It's an emergency!!"

"Um sure," Kunikida took his phone out, found Dazai's contact, and showed Chuuya his number. CHuuya took out a notepad from his pocket and a pen and wrote it down.

"Thank you so much!" Chuuya purred.

He ran out of the building and to his apartment. As soon as he got back, he called his boss.

"Fukuzawa-san? I'm really sorry for leaving the way I did. It was an emergency and I need to take the rest of today off. Depending on the situation, I may need tomorrow and Thursday off."

"Alright. Just know that you may have work to make up when you get back."

"Okay. Thank you so much." He hung up and typed Dazai's number into his contacts.


Once I have Dazai in my contacts, I text him.

Hey Dazai. I noticed you weren't at work today and I asked Fukuzawa-san about it. He said you called off and sounded upset. I got your number from Kunikida. I just wanted to say sorry. Sorry for yelling yesterday. Sorry for ignoring you. Sorry for just being a bad kitten. I didn't want to ignore you. I swear. I've just been thinking some things that I shouldn't and I thought that avoiding you would make the thoughts go away. I promise I wasn't ignoring you because I was mad or don't like you. I love talking to you and you bring me so much joy. I really hope you can forgive me. -Chuuya.

Sent. 8:37 A.M.

I sighed after sending the message. I put my phone down and just turned the tv on, waiting for a response.


I was laying in bed and staring at the ceiling and listening to music when I suddenly get a text. It's from a random number. I almost delete it, but it had my name in the beginning.

It must be from someone I know.

I read through it and find out at the end that its from Chuuya. I start tearing up because I realize that I was being too harsh on him. I failed to see that he was just a little kitten and yelled at him.

I start typing back.

Chuuya, I'm really sorry that I lashed out on you. I should've listened to your explanation. Now you're probably mad at me. I should be the one apologising.

I sent the message and he started to reply almost immediately.

"Can we talk about this in person? I really don't know what to say over text."

Sure. My place?

"I guess."

Ok. My address is ***********"


I find myself standing outside of an apartment complex that was about 15 minutes away from mine. I walk inside and check my phone for the room number.


After about 10 minutes, I finally find room 225. I knocked and after a few minutes, Dazai came to the door. His eyes were red and his hair was a mess. He was wearing a loose t-shirt and sweat pants.

"Hey," he said.



Word Count : 819



i finally worked on this

another short chapter :((


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