Chapter 1

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Hello. My name is Jules. To my friend I'm just J. To my bullies I'm the girl who can't say a word without stuttering. I am 5 foot 6 and in 11th grade. I am a bit rounder than every other girl in my school. I have dark brown hair halfway down my back. My mom says my best feature is my eyes. They are almond shaped and are hazel but turn green when I wear purple. I am an only child and I have no clue who my father is. Mom says he left when he found out she was pregnant. Who would do that? Leave a soon to be child to a now single mother with no where to go? It's so sick. She always says that the only thing going for him was the he was handsome. She also said that I got my musical talents come from him. I want to be in choir. I sing at my house non stop. I can also play the piano and I'm starting to learn guitar. Music and D.O. are the only things that help me calm down.
It may seem super cliché, but I think I am starting to fall in love with my best and only friend. He makes me feel wanted and loved. He cares for me so much. Whenever I am really depressed he will do anything for me. He will even watch the super cheesy chick flicks I love. He is the brick wall that is guarding me from the cliff of no return. He is my everything.
Did you notice how friend is not plural? Well that's because I'm a nobody. The only people who care for me are D.O. and my mother. I don't have anyone else in my life I care for. Kids at school don't see the real me. The only person who really knows me is D.O. I even keep things from my mom. She doesn't know how depressed I am, she doesn't know I get bullied daily and that Kyungsoo saves me every time. She doesn't know that D.O. sneaks into my room almost every night because I had a nightmare or is suicidal. Most of the time it's the latter. Every single time he is there for me.

*Knock knock*
I wake up and my mother is standing at my door.
"Morning honey. Time to get ready for school!"
I just grunted and sat up. I looked at the clock and it read 6:15. Really? Why did she have to wake me up so early? Anyway I grab my towel from the hook next to my door and take a shower. I get out of the shower and put on my school uniform. I swear they couldn't have picked any uglier uniforms. I don't put on any make-up and throw my hair into a messy bun.
I walk downstairs to see my mother making toast and cheesy scrambled eggs for breakfast. This is my favorite dish. I butter my toast and sit at the kitchen counter facing my mom and start to eat.
" Hey mom do you think that I could go to D.O.'s after school to work on the science project?"
"Yeah. I don't see why not"
"Thank you!" I look at the clock and see that it is 7:35 and school starts at 7:50 and I have to walk to school! "Crap! I'm gonna be late! I gotta go mom. See you at 5:45!" I called to my mother as I ran out the door. As I am walking down my driveway, I hear someone call my name. It's Kyungsoo. He starts to run to catch up with me. This has become a daily routine.
"Hey!" I say to him as he stands next to me.
"Did your mom say it's okay?" He practically yelled in my face.
"Or don't say hi back... But she did say yes!"
"Oh sorry" he said with a sheepish grin,"And yea!"
Him and I walked to school in silence after that. I could tell something was off with Kyungsoo, but I didn't know what it was. I didn't dare ask him either because he would say he's fine and he's just a little tired and then I'd feel guilty for keeping him up all night trying to help me fall asleep after my nightmare. He's been like this for the past two weeks. Always sad even though he try's to hide it, kinda distant, acting as if he's trying to say something but then doesn't.
I stop walking and call out to him. He turns around looks at my troubled face and becomes worried.
"What's wrong? Are you okay?" He says as he puts his hands on my shoulders and searches my eyes for any clues.
"I'm fine," he looks a little relieved.
"Then what is it?" He takes a smaller step towards me which makes my heartbeat speed up.
I look straight into his eyes and say,"Are YOU okay? What's going on with you lately?"
"I-it's just there is a lot of stress from school finals." I don't believe him one bit but I go along with it.
"Oh okay. Well we should go for ice cream after school on our way to your house." He smiled at me. And with that we walked into the school gates for another ordinary day.

A.N.: this is my first story. Sorry if it isn't that good. I would be wonderful if you could let me know of things I could improve on. Thank you!

My One and Only is Gone(D.O. EXO)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora