Chapter 2

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Jules P.O.V.
*In School*
I love writing! I love that they let you be creative! English is my best class. The only bad this is, is that Kyungsoo isn't in this class. I really wish he was because then I would feel so much more comfortable. No one likes me, even my teacher. But at least no one talks to me, and if they do its to tease me. Which I just ignore them and keep working.
I haven't been paying attention at all in class because I'm writing lyrics to a song. The song is called My Guardian Angel. As you probably guessed it's about D.O. He is my everything! He is on my mind day and night. These are the lyrics so far:
"My guardian angel
My protector
My one and only
You watch over me
You are the only thing keeping me here
You don't realize what you really mean to me
You see me as the damsel in destress
You are
My guardian angel
My protector
My one and only"
This is all true about D.O. He always has my back. I think he just sees me as his little sister that needs protecting. To me he is more than my best friend trying to protect me. He is my first love.

*After School(3:50)*
D.O. always waits for me at the school gates. I hope he remembered that we were gonna go get ice cream.
"Hey Jules!" Kyungsoo says as he puts his arm around my shoulders. My heart flutters as he pulls me in for a hug. I feel safe at his touch. I let go first even though I didn't want to. We were getting looks from other kids. We start walking to his house.
"What?" He asks chuckling. He is a little bit taller than me so I have to look up. There it is again. His beautiful heart shaped smile. I could stare at him all day.
"Jules?...Hello! D.O. to Jules!" I realize he was waving his hand in front of my face.
"Huh? What?" I say as he just laughs.
"I asked you what kind of ice cream you wanted" he says still giggling. I roll my eyes at him.
"CHOCOLATE!" I say. Chocolate is my favorite food of all time! He should know this my know because it's all I ever order.
"Should have guessed." he says while looking at the vendor. "Can we have one chocolate and one strawberry please?" He said. The vendor handed us our ice cream and we walked off.
"Hey!" I said as D.O. took a huge bite out of my ice cream cone. "That's not fair!!" I whined with my pouty lip. I know he can never resist my pouty lip.
"But I bought it... I should be able to have some" he said as he does aegyo. I take a bite out of his ice cream while he is attempting to do aegyo.
"Hey! That's mine J!" He replies. He looks like he is going to cry.
"PAYBACKS!" I yell as I run off.

D.O.'s P.O.V.
I don't know why she even try's to run because she knows that I am faster than she is. Aish! She is so adorable! Why does she have to act as if I'm her older brother? Well I guess it's because she doesn't see that I care for her a lot. I have to hide my feelings for her. It's so hard sometimes. Like when she does her pouty lip, I sometimes just want to hug her and kiss her softly. Or when she calls me up at 4 in the morning saying goodbye, and then I run to her house which is a few blocks from mine. I climb in though her window and see her bathroom door open slightly. With a dull light coming through I want to hug her tighter that I have before and tell her how much I love and never want to let go again. I know I have to tell her soon because in two weeks, I won't ever have the chance again.

A.N.: Hi! I hope you like the new chapter!

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