Chapter 5

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~2 Weeks Later~
~Jules P.O.V.~
Today is probably the worst day ever. Today he is leaving. The other thing is, it's Valentine's Day. It's Saturday so we don't have school thankfully. D.O. told me his flight leaves at noon and he has to be at the airport at 9:00 am. The airport is 1 hour and 30 minutes away from his house. Last night Kyungsoo told me we could have breakfast together and I could sit with him at the airport for awhile. We just had breakfast and are at the airport right now.

Last night I spent the night at D.O.'s house in his room. I know what you're probably thinking. No we didn't sleep together. I was in his bed and he was on the floor. He insisted that I was on the bed not him. We stayed up til 1 am watching Disney movies. We are both still children at heart. Our favorite movie is Mulan. It shows that women can be strong and save themselves and that we don't need a prince. But you know it does help to have a hot man like Shang around though!! My savior and prince is Kyungsoo as you already know.

"Jules!" D.O. calls as he waves his hand in front of my face.

"Huh? What?"

"Didn't you hear me?" He laughs his adorable laugh and his smile appears and his eyes turn to crescents.

"No..." I say sheepishly.

"I said try to make friends and join choir and drama club. You have a beautiful voice and you're really good at acting." His smile disappears. And his eyebrows furrow."And above all, please don't self harm. If not for yourself but for me." His voice falters in his last sentence. I can see his lips trembling and him swallow. He looks down at his hands fiddling in his lap. Then a tear hits his hand and he tries to hide it so I don't see it. I hear a choked sob escape his lips. I grab his chin and turn his face toward mine. I put my hands on the sides of his face. I use my thumbs to wipe the wet, hot tears from his cheeks. He puts his hands on mine and takes them from his face. He puts on a small smile and says,"I have to go. I need to board the plane." I slowly nod and breathe deeply trying not to cry. If I cry then he won't want to leave. "I will text everyday and we will video chat every weekend. You will not harm yourself. You will be happy. Jules, I love you." It's at this point that I release my sobs. My body shakes with the violent cry that leaves my lips. Kyungsoo cradles my head against his chest. I wrap my arms around him as we stand up. He strokes my hair and we rock back and forth. "Jules, it will be okay. Calm down baby girl." That's the first time he has called me baby girl. I hiccup in surprise. I look up in his eyes. They are red and brimmed with tears. He tilts my head back a bit more and presses his soft lips against mine. This is only the second time we have kissed. I was too afraid to kiss him after our first kiss two weeks ago. I slowly let my eyelids fall shut and let my lips move in sync with his. He pulled back for a second but then went right back to my lips with a little more force this time. He tilts his head to the right and grabs my bottom lip between his and gently pulls on it. He grabs me by the hips and pulls me even closer to him. I accidentally bite his lip when he does that. A low mewl emits from his throat. I immediately pull away from him. I thought I hurt him. I look at his eyes and they are still shut and he has his bottom lip in his mouth.

"Oh my gosh! Did I hurt you?!"

"No...that was the farthest thing from pain."

Wait...what?! What does that mean?

"Jules, stop over thinking everything! I can practically see the gears turning in your head!" D.O. said with amusement.

"Sorry. I just don't know what to do. I've never kissed anyone before, besides our kiss in your house..." I trailed off.

Kyungsoo lifted up my chin and stared into my eyes.

"You are doing perfect Jules." He said with a smile, but it soon dropped as plane number was called to board.

"Jules, I have to go now. Please be happy. Don't do anything stupid. And remember I love you." He hugged me goodbye and left. I stood there for a minute and watched the plane take off. There goes the love of my life.

Just then I got a text message from Kyungsoo. It reads,"I love you Jules and don't you ever forget that!! I will text or call you when I land depending on the time! Bye!!" A tear dropped on to my phone screen and that was when I realized that I was crying and that I will never be able to function without D.O.

A/N~ hey!! I was like crying writing this! Sorry for taking so long. I have been really stressed lately with family issues and school, but I updated!! So I hope you enjoyed this chapter!! Also...I started a new book called Kpop Fluffs!!! So please check it out and requests are open!! Thank you!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2016 ⏰

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