B1, Ep 4: The Warriors Of Kyoshi

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Katara Narrating

Water. Earth. Fire. Air. Long ago, the four nations lived together in harmony. Then, everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked. Only the Avatar, master of all four elements, could stop them, but when the world needed him most, he vanished. A hundred years passed, and my brother and I discovered the new Avatar, an airbender named Y/n. And although his is a master airbender, he has a lot to learn before he's ready to save anyone. But I believe Y/n can save the world.



(Zuko's ship is sailing through the sea. Inside Zuko's bedroom Zuko is seen meditating. The glow of the four candles situated on a table steadily increases and decreases in time with the prince's relaxed inhalations and exhalations. Zuko is sitting peacefully with his eyes closed, the four candles in view, continually brightening and dimming. Iroh cracks open the rooms door and peeks through while Zuko opens his eyes)

Zuko: The only reason you should be interrupting me, is if you have news about the Avatar.

(Iroh pushes open the door completely and enters the room, holding a rolled up scroll in his hands)

Iroh: Well, there is news, Prince Zuko, but you might not like it. Don't get too upset.

Zuko: Uncle, you taught me that keeping a level head is a sign of a great leader. Now, whatever you have to say, I'm sure I can take it.

Iroh: Okay then. We have no idea where he is.

(The flames of the candles suddenly erupt in a fiery mass, brushing the ceiling and obscuring Zuko from sight)

Zuko: What!?

(Zuko rises to his feet, enraged. Iroh shields his face from the flames, and merely withdraws a fan from his robe and begins waving it to cool himself down)

Iroh: You really should open a window in here.

(Zuko snatches the scroll from Iroh's hand)

Zuko: Give me the map! 

(He unrolls it, scanning over the parchment)

Iroh: Well, there have been multiple sightings of the Avatar, but he is impossible to track down.

Zuko: How am I going to find him, Uncle?

(The map in Zuko's hand has several locations marked down with zigzagged lines connecting each point)

Zuko: He is clearly a master of evasive maneuvering.


(With Y/n and the team. Sokka is holding the same kind of a map pouring over it and questioning Y/n's and Anne's navigational skills)

Sokka: You have no idea where you're going, do you?

(The siblings are on the back of appa's saddle while Y/n and Anne sit atop his head, looking back. Appa's fur seems dirty and disordered)

Y/n: Well...

Anne: We know it's near water.

(Sokka looks around and sees that they are flying above the ocean not seeing any islands near them)

Sokka: I guess we're getting close then.

(Katara is preoccupied with sewing a hole in Sokka's pants, Anne glancing over at her from atop Appa's head, Momo perched on her shoulder. She concocts an idea to impress her with her airbending)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2023 ⏰

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