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"Ivory..." mom drags out as she loops around from her side of the car. "Yes?" I say taking a few steps away from the car into the parking lot. "Shut your door properly." She says pointing towards the visible crack in the door. I mumble a sorry as I make my way back to the car to shut it.

I'm really bad at that. For some reason my brain doesn't comprehend the fact that the doors not automatic and I actually need to slam it to close it.

"Okay, Ivory hurry I don't want to be here for long." She says making her way to the double doors of the bookstore. That's Another Story, is what the big sign reads in big bold lettering. This is my favourite bookstore. It's not small but it's not large, it's cute. It's a five minute drive from my house, so mom refuses to drive anywhere else.

I know the shop owner quite well, Mr. Lawson. I mean I almost come here everyday. He knows about my writing, so sometimes when we pay he'll give us a discount if I show him a new piece of mine.

The door to the bookstore chimes as me and mom walk in.
I take in the fresh scent of old and new books, as I look around.

"Ivory! Paisley! It's so nice to see you!" Mr. Lawson yells from the cash. "Hello Mr. Lawson." My mother says as he finishes up with his other customer by handing them the receipt.

He makes his way over to us.

"What are we looking for today?" He says rubbing his hands together, "more poetry, preferably." I say as he gives me a small smile, ushering me to follow him.

He takes us to the enclosed section at the back of the bookstore, my favourite spot. "Go crazy, kiddo." He says laughing as he walks back to the cash.

"Don't you have every single book in this section."  Mom says gesturing to the towers and packed shelves of books. "Not all." I say rolling my eyes gesturing to the piles. "Why don't you try something new, like history and thriller?" I look at her shock written on my face as I shrug. "I have romance and mystery, but who reads history?" I say a questioning look on my face. "Your father." She says making a face, "he's always had a fascination for that kind of stuff." I laugh, "well it is dad." I say using my pointer finger to skip the spines.

I come across a blue velvety cover, I have never seen before. I use my pointer finger to tip it off the shelf as it falls into my palm. The art of poetry, it reads on the cover in intricate letters. "This one." I say to my mom, having a good feeling about it. "That was quick!" She snorts out, making her way to the cash, with me trailing behind.

"Is the lucky one?" Mr. Lawson says as he grabs the book that I placed on the counter as he gives it a good scan. "I've never seen this one before." He says examining the cover, "maybe it was a new shipment from this morning, I'll ask Leon later." He says putting the book into a bag for me, "would we like the five dollar discount?" He laughs lifting his eyebrows, "yes please!" I say, moving to get the poem out of my pocket, placing it in his hands. "Let's see." He mumbles putting on his glasses as he reads the slip of paper.

His face twists into a smile as he places the piece of paper in front of me. "Well, Ivory.... I think that was one of your best yet." He says putting his glasses back down on the counter. "Really?" I say excitingly.
"Really." He takes a pause. "You know we have a little event where we're getting small authors from the town to talk about they're books to teens and young adults, why don't you stop by to talk about your writing." A big wave of excitement crosses my features as he says that. "Really I can!" I squeal out. "Yes of course you can! Let me just write down the information." After he says that he takes out his black pen and notepad as he writes information on the piece of paper.

That's Another Story, bookstore.
West-crest road, on Friday, April. 21st
At 5:00pm

That is what the paper reads as I shove it into my pocket. "Thank you so much! Mr. Lawson!" I say taking my wallet out of my pocket to pay. "No problem Ivory, I'm excited to see what you say." He says as I smile at him, walking out the door with a big smile on my face.

"You are so lucky, Ivory." Mom says giving me high five. " I want to read the poem later, she says giving me a serious look. "I'll read it tonight at dinner." I reassure her.

I look out the window.

The rain has stopped.

Now the sun is peaking through the clouds, making small sun patches cover the glistening cobblestone roads, the grass twinkling with the rain drops.

"Is my weird brother coming home, or is he staying at Eliza's?" I say turning to my mom in the driver seat. "Greyson, will be home tonight." She says rolling her eyes at me.

We pull into our drive way seconds later, the roll of the wheels rough against the wet concrete.

I see my brothers car already parked beside ours so I know he's home.

I hop out of the car slamming the door shut, making my mom jump, "Ivory!" She yells, " at least it shut this time." I say running up the driveway, making my way into our house.

"Greyson!" I yell, my voice loud in the house. "Yeah?!" He yells back peeking his head over the staircase railing. "Is Eliza okay?" I say, wondering how the girl was doing after the thunderstorm. "Yeah she's fine." He responds back as his footsteps echo above indicating he's on his way back to his room.

I take off my shoes and jacket, making my way up to mine, to practise for Friday.


That's chapter two!
What do you guys think of the event, that is coming up?

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