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I hate school

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I hate school.

I mean besides seeing Kylo and eating lunch.

I hate school.

The work, the people, the looks, the teachers.


But I'm here sitting in the back of the classroom.

Kylo isn't in this class so I'm on my own, he's only in a few of my classes, math, science and history. I'm in English. I don't enjoy this class but it's not bad, I just can't write, I'm not imaginative when it comes to these things.

I fiddle with my pencil in my hand as I look around the room, finding myself looking out the window. It's sunny despite the rain yesterday, I guess its a real blessing that there's sun on a Monday, it makes it feel a little less upsetting.

I catch myself looking at a girl by the window, I know that face. I think to myself as I stare at her. Brown hair, light eyes, same sweater.

That was the girl I bumped into on the sidewalk the other day.

She looks different, more sunny.

If you can call someone that.

She just looks happy as she intakes whatever the old guy is saying up at the front.

I want what she's on.

I think to myself as her head whips in my direction, causing my head to fall to the wood of my desk.

Holy shit.

Close one Leon.

The teachers voice blares over the noise in my head. "Alright does everyone understand?" He says as he looks around, stopping when he sees me. "Leon?" He questions as I look up, "yes?" I say as I fiddle with my pencil again, "You got it?" He says as the whole class looks at me. I give him a thumbs up as he tells everyone to start and pack up.

I throw my bag over my shoulder as I walk to get near the girl.

I see her putting her notebooks in her bag. I tap on her shoulder.

She turns and meets my gaze as she smiles. "Hi" She says, "Hi...." I drag out, "Do you need anything?" She says zipping up her bag. "Sorry, I just wanted to apologize for yesterday, when I bumped into you, I was in a rush and." She cuts me off. "It's fine, don't worry about it!" She says, slinging her bag over her shoulder.

"Alright, bye." I saw awkwardly, mentally slapping myself.

"Bye." She waves as she exists the classroom.

Way to introduce yourself, idiot.

On the bright side it's finally lunch.


Kylo caught up with me a little later, during lunch, were now sitting at a table, eating pizza. "So.... I know Mr. Lawson gave you a day off today because of Ruby's school thing." He says.

"Talent show." I correct him.

"Talent show whatever, but can you stop by for like five minutes, I just need you to help me with the balloons." He says a smile on his face. I laugh. "Balloons, what are you a baby?" I say taking a bite of my pizza. "No, I'm saying there's like a lot of balloons that need to fit through the tiny fucking doorway and I need someone to help me so they don't pop." He grunts, giving me the shut up and just do it look.

"Isn't Kennedy going to be there?" I say as he laughs. "She's afraid of balloons, that wont work." He says kicking my leg under the table before I laugh. "Fine, whatever, but five minutes then I need to go, Ruby's been going on, and on about this talent show for months." I say as I scarf down the rest of my pizza.

"Aright I'm going to go to the music room for the last half hour, alright?" I say as I start to get up and grab my bag by the hook. "Sure, leave me to fend for myself." He states dramatically. "Get over yourself, hang out the with your girlfriend." I say pointing in Kennedy's direction. He smiles as he pats me on the back walking over to the crowded lunch table.


I open the door to the music room, walking inside placing my backpack by the door. I grab the guitar off the shelf as I take a seat, moving my fingers along the strings. A melody erupting from the instrument.

I place my music papers on the stand as I start to play the songs I wrote a few days ago. It still needs some work, but I like it so far. It's one of my favorites.

Well I say that about every new one I write, but I can't help it.

I keep playing as the sound calms me down and brings me into another place.

I finish up the song, as a voice takes me out of my daze.

"That was amazing." The girl says.

And I meet her eyes, a nervous pit of emotion bubbling in my stomach.

How long has she been listening?


That's chapter Six! I hope you enjoyed it!

Who do you think was in the music room?

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