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"Leon! Can I see you for a second?" Mr

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"Leon! Can I see you for a second?" Mr. Lawson yells from the other side of the bookstore. "Yes" I yell back, making my way to the cash, where he is standing.

"By any chance, did we receive a shipment this morning?" He says placing both his elbows on the counter looking at me. "Not that I'm aware of, but Kennedy brought out boxes from the back this morning, it was the shipment we got a few days ago." I say shuffling the books in my hand. "Ah, ok then, so it must've been a earlier shipment." He mumbles taking his elbows off the counter, blowing out a puff of air. I stand there confused before I ask, "if you don't mind me asking sir, what are you talking about?" He laughs at my question. "A book a girl bought today, it just didn't seem like something we sold, the cover looked expensive and different, I was just curious to where it came from." He says refilling the receipt machine. "Alright, I'll see if I can check some of the drop off and deliver order forms later." I say, as he smiles. "Thank you Leon" he says as I nod my head making my way to the shelves.

I have a few books in my hand that need to be sorted out, I see a romance on-top of the pile, so that's the section I go to first.

I take out the two romance books from my pile and place them on the shelf, these are new releases from a lady, she lives in this town and just sells her books here, she's not a published author, but a self published one. The people seem to like her books so we keep them on our shelves.

Mr. Lawson looks out for everybody, everyone knows him. He helps the young kids with reading on day camps, I help on the occasions with them because they can get rowdy. He helps young and old authors around town, by putting their books in the bookstore, he's overall just a nice guy.

The phone rings, from the little desk in the corner of the room. I place down the two books in my hand as I pick it up. "Hello, That's another story, how can I help you?" I say through the phone, as much as I hate human interaction, Mr. Lawson says it's good for me, so I'm in charge of phone duty.

"Alright, Thank you for calling." I say through the phone as the customers says her thank you. I place the phone back down. She was wondering if they had a certain book, but I saw the last copy being sold this morning.

"Hey, Leon?" I hear Kennedy say from behind me. "Yeah." I say back whipping my head in her direction, "could you help Kylo in the back he needs help bringing in the boxes for the event." She says adjusting the glasses on her face. "Sure, tell him I'll be right there." I say as she nods her head ducking into the back room.

I got this job only a few weeks ago so I'm still slowly getting information about this event that's going on. Apparently authors are invited to talk about writing, should be interesting.

I make my way to the back room ready to help Kylo.

"What took you so long, man?" Kylo says his face covered with boxes. "Sorry there was a phone call." I say as he snorts. "How did that go?" He says amused. "It went fine, thank you." I grunt out, looking at him with a glare. He laughs as he places the boxes from his hands to mine, grabbing a few for himself in the meantime. "Lawson says we can leave for the night after we bring these to the event corner." I nod my head as we walk over.

Kylo and Kennedy have been working non-stop with this event, well besides taking a few minutes in between for make-out sessions. They've been together for a solid year, there a cute couple. Kylo was so nervous the night before he asked her to be his girlfriend, he called me in sweats. I like to use it against him.

We place the boxes down, walking out of the corner with him trailing behind. "Maybe you'll find a girl at this event." Kylo says hitting my shoulder, "no chance bud, no chance." I say shrugging my shoulders. "Dude you gotta grow a set." He says as I laugh. "Very funny Kylo." We both laugh about the stupidest things until we reach the door.

"Okay, see you later." I say, as I hit his back. "Later." He says reciprocating the action.

That's the last thing we speak as I make my way outside the store, the cold breeze hitting my face. It rained really hard today so the cold air was expected.

I make my way to my motorcycle as I throw on my jacking, putting on my hat in the process. I swing my left leg over the bike as I shift the gears into motion and ride off.

I love being able to drive this around, I don't have half the big ego the other guys that ride one do. But it's still cool. My dad taught me from a really young age how to ride one so this has been my ride for the past few years. I'm in the middle of getting my license but for now this is going to have to work.

I pull into my street parking my bike into the garage, making my way inside my house.

"Leon!" My little sister Ruby says latching onto my leg. "Hey kid." I say fluffing her hair. "I missed you." She says looking up at me with her big brown eyes. "I missed you too." I say back picking her up to place her on my hip. "Where's mom and dad?" I ask her as she looks up at me. "In the kitchen." She answers. I walk into the kitchen still holding Ruby as I see my parents talking. My mom turns to me a smile on her face. "How was work." She says pulling me in for hug. "It was normal." I say as she rolls her eyes. I put down Ruby which causes her to have a little pout form on her face. "Well dinner is almost ready." She says turning back to the stove.

"What did Lawson make you do today?" My dad says, amusement in his eyes. "Nothing much, I just had to help customers and put books on shelves." I say as he laughs, "he's such a fun guy." He says, picking up Ruby and placing her in her high chair.

I take my seat at the table when mom comes with the food. "Foods ready!" She chimes placing it on the table, taking her own seat.

After a few minutes of talking my mom brings something up.

"Y'know, Leon." She says as I mumble incoherent words from my stuffed mouth. "There's a music festival," I stop her before she can finish.
"Because no."
"But your so talented."
I laugh and stifle a smile.
"Mom, do you know how many people go to these events?"
"A few hundred?" she replies.
"Try a few thousand."
After I say that she goes silent not bringing up the subject anymore.

Mom takes Ruby upstairs and dad goes into the basement as I clean the dishes.

I recall todays events as I'm scrubbing a plate. I almost forgot about what happened this morning. That girl that bumped into me. She lives right next door. I can't believe I forgot about that.

I finish up the dishes as I make my way upstairs and into my room.

I haven't picked up my guitar all day.

That was chapter three! I hope you enjoyed Leon's POV!

Leon and Ivory will be the switching POVS throughout the story!

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