Pt 2

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(It's pretty short and cringe but enjoy lol)

It was dark out when Lia awoken. Her head still ached and she felt sore but managed to regain her strength. All the blood was dried up, leaving dark stains on her outfit.

She took out her phone, but to her shock it was completely broken. It must have cracked when Zoey knocked her to the ground.

"Looks like I'll be walking home then" She signed.

When she arrived at her house, Lia let out a sign of relief, knowing she managed to make it home. However, she didn't expect to have company.

"Damm dude! What kinda crap did you get yourself involved in this time?"

It was Maria.

Lia rolled her eyes. "Don't see why that matters to you. Go find someone else to bug."

Maria stood up and grabbed her arm. "And where do you think your going?"

Lia hesitated. "To my room?.."

Maria shook her head. "Your literally covered in blood. Cmon, let's clean you up first."

Letting out a breath, she proceeded to follow Maria. Well not like she had a choice. Maria was literally tugging at her arm.

"There you go." She smiled. Maria stepped back and started putting away all of the medical supplies.

"You know I could've did this myself..."
Lia began.

Maria turned around and glared at her. "Don't question me.

Lia shook her head. "Your unpredictable, you know that?"

She laughed. "Ya, sure. I could say the same about you."

They both went silent. Lia looked at the floor. Maria however was staring at her, not even a moment in before she snapped back to reality. Lia decided to finally break the silence.

"Anyways, why are you here? Shouldn't you be at your place?" Lia stood up. "You should probably head back home before your parents get upset-"

"Nah. Their lame."

Lia frowned. "I don't have a spare bedroom you can sleep in though. I would've let you sleep or the couch but it's too small, and i don't think your comfortable sharing a bed with me-"

Maria shrugged. "So? Any beds better then none. I don't mind sharing with you. Aslong as you don't make it seem weird" she laughed.

"S-shut up!!" Lia shouted, her face heating up; "I-I just wanted to make sure you were ok with that. I didn't want to make you uncom-"

"You talk too much" Maria groaned, completely interrupting Lia. She collapsed on her bed and shoved her face into a pillow.

"You know what? I'm too tired for this." Lia grabbed a pair of night clothes and changed when Maria wasn't looking. She hopped into bed beside her and turned off the life. Grabbing the covers, she turned to face the opposite way Maria was and fell asleep.

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